Unparalleled Glories Of Mother Ganga
The practices and rituals of worshiping inanimate objects in Sanatan Dharma are often accused by the atheistic community of being unscientific and fanatical. One such practice is the worship of the Ganga River which rises in the western Himalayas in the state of Uttarakhand, covers many Northern and Eastern states, and finally empties into the Bay of Bengal, journeying through the country of Bangladesh. The sacred Ganges is a lifeline to millions of people across the globe. Hindus perform the last rites of their kinsmen, and pay homage to their ancestors, many Sanyasis perform severe austerities and penances, and many spiritual seekers have found their true purpose of life by meditating on the banks of the River Ganga. The mystery of the serine and purifying nature of the cold waters of Mother Ganga is yet to be unlocked by modern scientists.
Published in Oct 2022