7" Kali and the Fear of Death | Handmade Brass Statue

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In three of her four arms, the goddess holds terrible attributes related to death. These include the upraised sickle, severed head and a bowl full of blood. The fourth however, makes an interesting contrast.

It is in the abhaya mudra, or the fear-removing gesture. Thus Kali here bestows on her devotees the boon of fearlessness, specifically the fear of death.

This, in fact, is the essential message of Kali - that pain, sorrow, decay, death, and destruction are not to be overcome or conquered by denying them or explaining them away.

Protective Lacquer Coating
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Item Code: XS58
Brass Statue
Height: 7 inch
Width: 5 inch
Depth: 2 inch
Weight: 1.90 kg
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Pain and sorrow are woven into the texture of man's life so thoroughly that to negate them is ultimately futile. For man to realize the fullness of his being, for man to exploit his potential as a human being, he must finally accept this dimension of existence. Kali's boon is freedom, the freedom of the child to revel in the moment, and it is won only after confrontation or acceptance of death.

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Embracing the Divine Feminine: Understanding Kali and Her Significance

Goddess Kali is one of the most powerful and revered deities in Hinduism and is worshiped by many people across the globe especially in the eastern part of India. She is considered to be a ferocious form of Goddess Durga and is regarded as the ultimate manifestation of Shakti. Goddess Kali also manifests as the material nature and is regarded as the mother of all living entities in the material world. Just like a caring mother, she protects the living entities who follow the principles of Dharma from demonic persons who always go against the laws of the Supreme Lord.

Having a dark complexion, open hair, and bearing multiple arms holding different weapons, Goddess Kali is often depicted standing on the chest of Lord Shiva, her consort, as she displays her rage toward the demon Raktabij. This pastime is mentioned in various Puranas of Vedic literature in which Goddess Kali severed the head of the demon who was creating havoc on earth. This shows the protective nature of the Goddess. The Vedic scriptures also mention that Goddess Kali is an obedient devotee of the Supreme Lord Krishna or Vishnu who tests living entities on their determination and devotion toward the Lord.

What does Kali symbolize?

Goddess Kali is the manifestation of material nature. She is like a benevolent mother who protects her children from any kind of mishaps and misfortune. Mother Kali considers all living entities her own children and takes care of them. She reforms the forgetful souls who have turned their faces against the Supreme Lord Krishna. Thus, she symbolizes mercy, compassion, and kindness. Although she has a ferocious form, she is actually carrying out the order of the Supreme Lord by utilizing her power against those who blaspheme the Lord and do not abide by His laws.

What is Kali worshiped for?

We can find thousands and lakhs of devotees of Goddess Kali all over the world. She is especially venerated in the festival of Kali Puja in the Indian states of West Bengal, Assam, and Odisha. Being a merciful Goddess, she fulfills the desires of her devotees. Some people worship Goddess Kali for some material gains and profits and receive her blessings. However, those who serve her selflessly and approach her to know about the Absolute Truth and the real aim of human life, receive the highest benediction of Goddess Kali. Being a devotee of the Supreme Lord Krishna, she bestows her blessings upon them and guides them to the path of devotion toward the Lord.

Where to place Kali statue at home?

Keeping the deity of Goddess Kali at home is very auspicious. If you worship her regularly with faith and devotion, she will become pleased and will shower her blessings upon you. Knowing that she is worthy of our respectful obeisance is important and therefore, you should not keep or handle her deity with a casual attitude. You must keep the deity on your home altar.
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