Trimukha Ganesha, also known as Three-Faced Ganesha, is a unique form of the Hindu elephant-headed deity, Lord Ganesha. In this representation, Ganesha is depicted with three faces, symbolising his omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence. The iconography of Trimukha Ganesha features six arms, each holding various symbolic attributes like a mace, a noose, a broken tusk, and a modak (sweet delicacy). This form represents Ganesha’s ability to overcome obstacles from all directions and grant blessings. Trimukha Ganesha is worshipped for wisdom, protection, and the removal of hindrances, making him a popular and revered deity among devotees seeking success and spiritual fulfilment. This cherished creation in brass is an auspicious addition to any spiritual collection to inspire divine blessings.
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