This idol captures the essence of Lord Ganesha, the revered deity known as the remover of obstacles and the harbinger of success and prosperity. This is an enchanting lord ‘Ganesha’s idol in Natural Amethyst Stone with Crystal Base, a divine masterpiece that combines the spiritual energy of ‘Lord Ganesha’ with the mesmerizing beauty of the natural amethyst gemstone. The idol is meticulously carved from natural amethyst stone, which is believed to possess healing properties and spiritual importance. Moreover, the deep purple hues of the amethyst gemstone add an element of mystique and elegance to the idol that makes it visually captivating.
This Lord Ganesha statue is ideal for placing on desks, personal altars, or wherever else you want to ask for the blessings and direction of the Hindu deity. Its small size makes it portable and easy to put, making it the perfect travel or meditation companion.
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