The traditional Rama-durbar (court of Rama), set outdoors. The gentle prince seated on a throne next to His beautiful wife, Seeta. They are surrounded by His faithful brothers, Lakshmana, Bharata, va Shatrughna. Sitting at His pendant feet is the most faithful of them all, Lord Hanuman.
This Rama-durbar watercolour features colours that are distinct and vibrant. The peeta-coloured silks of the princes’ attire, indicative of Rama’s Vaishnava heritage. The gold- and scarlet-coloured upholstery of Rama-Seeta’s throne. The deep, golden haloes surrounding each divine head.
The sky’s azure gradient and the pale gold carpet form the perfect background to set off these colours. Note the milk-white lotus in Seeta’s hands, a symbol of the couple’s unflinching love for peace and harmony.
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