Devi Rajarajeshvari, renowned mostly as the Tripura Sundari sits on an ornate, red and golden throne. She has crowned the epitome of Shakti in the Tripura Upanishad. She rules from above the pantheon of Brahma, Vishnu, Isvara and Rudra, as is depicted in the painting by the fact that their icons are holding up the goddess’ throne on their heads. Her bow is made of sugarcane stalks and she holds a bouquet of flowers in her other hand. She is seated on a lotus that blooms open across the body of Sadashiva. There are legends that speak of how she is adorned in jewels that were once embedded in the crowns of Brahma and Vishnu, falling at her feet when they bowed to her.
Two attendants stand behind her faithfully, providing her with air and music and the rest of her needs. There is an offering of grain and fruit left in front of her in supplication by her devotees. A lion sits on the floor, a fierce yet loyal animal only furthering her image of having unrivaled strength. Her throne’s hand rests curl up into golden idols of lions, guarding her keenly. She is what emerges when the cosmos swirls together into singular energy.
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