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Bringing the Teachings of Vedic Schools of Maharashtra to Surface

Maharashtra’s rich oral Vedic culture has been kept alive in the state via the traditional Vedic School which vibrantly exists in the state. Vedic Schools in the state can be of two types- family schools in which a child's father teaches his own children and a few other students from the neighborhood, and the bigger institutions that can accommodate about 100 students.

The educational programs under these Vedic Schools vary from school to school, some vedic schools teach only one type of Vedas and in some vedic schools, the Vedas are taught extensively; which might also include the auxiliary Vedic sciences like kalpaor ceremonial rituals (otherwise called karmakāṇḍa) and jyotiṣa (or, conventional soothsaying). These Vedic schools can have three types of educational setups, which are well-known in India-

The Gurukula : The school is a part of a nuclear family setting. It is called the 'Gurukul type' since the Sanskrit expression gurukul alludes explicitly to "the house or extended family of a master." In this model, the master likewise teaches his own children the Veda in the father-child custom (pitāputraparamparā). He could take up a couple of additional students. He teaches students about the Vedic life as a part of his dharma as a Brahman.

The ‘Vedapāṭhaśālā : The 'Vedapāṭhaśālā are the type of Vedic School in which a communal educational institution exists where one or more Guru live with his students. It brings to life the legendary ashrams right from the major Hindu Puranic epics, Ramayana and Mahabharata. The fundamental distinction here is that these settlements generally rely upon the sponsorship of a monetarily strong supporter. 

The Vedavidyālaya : Similar to the Vedapāṭhaśālā school, the Veda Vidyalaya schools are a large communitarian educational institution, that also relies on the financial support from benefactors. Generally, they are considered to have a far-reaching influence in which the number of students and the expansiveness of the educational program is taken as the proportion of progress of the Vedic school. These Vedic schools prepare their students to serve and protect the public; and become the Hindu society's well-rounded "role models".

The Essence of Vedas wrapped together

The word Veda connotes knowledge. The Vedas are sacred Hindu texts that talk extensively about knowledge that can be both spiritual or material. A sacred writing like the Vedas help devotees in soul liberation from the cycle of rebirth, and also educate them to become successful in their material lives. Famous Yogis have come up with the finest interpretation of the Vedas and in its 2 divisions- exoteric and esoteric.

The exoteric division deals with religious rituals and the esoteric division deals with profound knowledge. The exoteric religious rituals are linked to the external human body and its nerve hubs that animate the sensory-motor movements. The esoteric division deals with the inner astral focuses and higher conditions of cognizance.

The yogis say that the pondering aficionado while heading towards the profound Self transcends the awareness of the world, the sensory faculties, and the body and becomes focused on the spinal area and its profound focuses of cognizance and imperative energy (the Vedic esoteric division). The aficionado is then guided to transcend the impression of the coccygeal, sacral, and lumbar areas [Muladhara, Svadhishtana, Manipura] and to focus on the locales of the dorsal, cervical, medullary, and cerebral focuses (Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna, Sahasrara).


Q1. What are some of the primary knowledge that the Vedas impart?

The Vedas shape the essential comprehension of Sanatan Dharma and help devotees find a purpose in their lives. The Vedas extensively talk about how there was a solitary entity, Brahman, who is the creator of material existence and also existence itself. 

Q2. Who is “God” according to Vedas?

The Vedas allude to the highest reality, Brahman as “God”. He is the Cosmic Principle.