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The Uniqueness of Biographies of the well-known icons of South India

Biographies are a sort of pursuit expounding on the quest of a popular figure, to bring each moment of their life alive. At the gamble of sounding cliche, the best biographies do precisely this: rejuvenate their subjects. An extraordinary biography isn't simply a long list of occasions that happened to somebody. Rather, it ought to build a story and recount a story in practically the same manner a novel does. 

Read popular Biographies in Malayalam

There are biographies of several notable figures available in Malayalam-

☛ Rani Chennamma : Rani Chennamma was one of the first female freedom fighters in India. She stood strong and determined against the British Empire. Rani Chennamma didn't succeed in this fight, however, she inspired numerous women to rise against British rule. She was Chennamma Queen of the royal state Kittur in Karnataka. Today she is popular as Kittur Rani Chennamma.

The Doctrine of Lapse was forced on local states by the British. Under this statement, local rulers were not permitted to adopt a son or daughter, if they had no child of their own. Their region shaped a portion of the British Empire consequently. The province of Kittur went under the administrative power of the Dharwad collectorate responsible for Mr Thackeray. Mr Chaplin was the chief of the district.

Both didn't perceive the new ruler and the royals and informed that Kittur needed to acknowledge the British system. Rani Chennamma and the residents emphatically fought against British oppressiveness. Thackeray attacked Kittur. In the fight that resulted, many British troops were killed alongside Thackeray.

The embarrassment of defeat against a small ruler was a lot for the British to swallow. They acquired greater armed forces from Mysore and Sholapur and attacked Kittur. Kittur Rani Chennamma couldn't win the conflict against the British, however, she etched her presence in the realm of history.

☛ Puran Chand Joshi : Puran Chand Joshi was one of the early stalwarts of communist development in India. An extraordinary commitment of PC Joshi to the hypothesis and practice of Communist development was his introduction of politico-philosophical authority and social renaissance.

One appropriately discusses Gramsci's contributions, however, PCJ's contributions stand out; they left a profound impact on mass awareness. Indeed, even today individuals become communists or demo-crats when they dig into the political, philosophical and social commitments of his time.

☛ Brahmananda Swami Sivayogi : Karatt Govinda Menon, popularly called Brahmananda Swami Sivayogi, was an Indian ascetic from Kerala who established the Ananda Maha Sabha. He was named "Brahmananda Swamigal", because of his spiritual and scholarly information by Ayyathan Gopalan, a social reformer and disseminator of Brahmo Samaj in Kerala and stalwart of Sugunavardhini development.

He began Sidhdhasramam in Alathur. He propounded the hypothesis that ananda (satisfaction or ecstasy) ought to be the standard of any human action. The development he led assumed a significant part in the reformation movement of Kerala.

☛ Premji : Mullamangalath Parameshwaran Bhattathiripad, popularly called M. P. Bhatathirippad or Premji, was a social reformer, social pioneer and entertainer from Kerala. Premji became a significant part of Yogakshema Sabha and joined hands with V. T. Bhattathiripad, E. M. S. Namboodiripad and his sibling M. R. Bhattathiripad in the battle against casteism and traditionalism that existed in the Nambudiri people group.


Q1. What are some things that the biography of a person focuses on?

A Biography is a nitty gritty third-person account of someone else's illustrious life. It contains fundamental data about the subject's life — like their place of birth, instruction, interests, anecdotes from their life etc.

Q2. What are the various types of Biographies available?

☛ Historical Fiction Biography

☛ Academic Biography

☛ Fictionalized Academic Biographies

☛ Prophetic Biography