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Enhance your Understanding of Homeopathy with our collection of Hindi books. Explore now!


Q1. Which are the best homeopathic books for a beginner?


If you want to begin to learn the science of homeopathy, you must read some of the books that are easily available at Exotic India such as

होमियोपैथिक सेलेक्टेड मेडिसिन - A Book of Selected Medicine of Homeopathic (An Old and Rare Book)” by Dr. Shanataram Vaish and Dr. Moti Lal

भारतीय औषध-विज्ञान (होमियोपैथिक मेटेरिया-मेडिका और थेराप्यूटिक्स) - Indian Pharmacology (Indian Drugs in Homeopathy)” by O.P. Goyal

सब के लिए होम्योपैथी: Beginner's Guide to Homeopathyand” by T.S. Iyer


Q2. Which homeopathy book should a beginner buy?


The book that explains very well how Homeopathy can be useful to you, your friends, and your family is “होमियोपैथी के नए रहस्य : New Secrets of Homeopathy” by Binod Kumar Prasad. This is a great book if you are a beginner in the field of Homeopathy and want to know its basic concepts such as how it helps to strengthen our immunity and support the body through an infection. This book is available at Exotic India and you can very well take advantage of it by buying and reading it.


Q3. What are the reference books of homeopathy called?


The reference books of Homeopathy are called Repertories. These books are consulted for a patient having certain symptoms of a disease according to which, a remedy is selected. Some of the best Homeopathic books available at Exotic India are:

होम्योपैथिक की चुनिंदा बहुगुणी औषधियाँ- Selected Multipurpose Medicines of Homeopathic” by Empty Cleric

प्रैक्टिकल होम्योपैथिक थैराप्युटिवस- Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics (Practice Homeopathic Medicine)” by Khalik Maulvi

प्रैक्टिस ऑफ होम्योपैथी तथा औषधियों का आपसी सम्बन्ध- Practice of Homeopathy and Relation of Medicines” by Khaliq Maulavi.