Young World, the children's weekly magazine from The Hindu group entered its 30th year in November 2019. Three decades have gone by. Three generations of young readers have found in Young World an avenue to read, enhance their knowledge and widen their horizon. It has been a part of their growing up years. Many of our readers are spread across the globe, having achieved great heights. To ring in this milestone, Young World is rolling out a keepsake anthology of short stories, specially written by some of the biggest names in children's writing in India. Thirty master storytellers have crafted original stories that are rich and diverse in ideas - humour, fantasy, adventure, grief, animal lives, school day fun... . Designed by Sonal Goyal, the stories have beautiful illustrations in colour by Ashok Rajagopalan to enhance the reading experience. . The collectors' edition has been put together by the dedicated editorial team of Young World as a gift to our readers on the 30th birthday of the magazine. . We hope the stories will appeal to young and old alike. So, do sit back and enjoy. .
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