The Glorious Qur'an, the Holy Book of Islam, is unlike any other sacred scripture in the world: It is the Constitution of the universe. As such, any attempt to discover scientific truth will approximate the Qur'an more closely and more accurately the more profound it becomes. Since the Qur'an is itself Truth, the range of meanings that each word of the Qur'an provides defines the limits within which any truth may be found as its subject. Each age and each stage of scientific truth highlights a different interpretation of the Qur'an from among the ensemble of all possible interpretations.
In this widely acclaimed book, oncologist Dr. Haluk Nurbaki selects fifty verses from the Qur'an for comparison with the latest discoveries of modem science.
With ease and alacrity, Dr. Nurbaki demonstrates how each verse sheds light on not merely one but several aspects of modem science. This book is a resounding refutation of claims to the effect that science and religion are in irreconcilable antagonism. It is a book to read, to treasure, and to return to again and again.
While the daily progress of technology and civilization has brought many comforts and benefits to mankind, it has also produced various problems in its wake. Even though contemporary man is more comfortable in comparison with past ages, it is not possible to claim that he is happier. Mental strain arising from socioeconomic causes, psychological and spiritual stress wear him down and make him restless. He lives together with the entire world in his own home, feeling the whole world's burden of suffering and pain on his back. Even in some ultraconservative families, who proudly claim they have never gone to a movie, the TV set occupies the dominant position in the household, majestically continuing its reign.
Rapid communications, annoying and noisy lights usher away the calm, thinking, feeling human being: Such an environment precludes the birth and development of exceptional intelligence, of great minds. Contemporary man has little time to read, let alone books of large volume. He consoles himself by watching and listening.
Our handbook series is intended to introduce the reader to subjects of psychic and spiritual value, in brief but also in essence, aiming at factual coverage. We shall count ourselves fortunate if we are able to contribute to the con- templative life through such publications. We wish for the help of God in this endeavor.
If all the human beings in the world were to attempt to describe the greatness of the Glorious Koran for all their lives, they would still be unable to do so. The Koran is the Logos secret of divine art.
When our Beloved Prophet was asked: "Messenger of God, every prophet has a miracle. What is yours?", he answered: "The Word of God." The logos secret is a mystery specific to the Glorious Koran. For the logos is not just ordinary talk or communication: It is the embodiment of a living truth in a single word.
For this reason, all the verses of the Koran are enwrapped in the mystery of "the living". They are always vital; they live. Beings are enabled to live through this mystery of God. Unless this wisdom is appreciated, and this is no easy task, it is not possible to understand the Koran.
All writings except the Koran are doomed to wane and to lose their validity. Everything is finite. The truth is emerging that the Koran is more alive and everlasting with each passing day. Its scientific wisdom is, as it were, rejuvenated with the passage of time. Although its verses are always alive, our eyes are able to perceive their secret only within time. Every generation discovers their wisdom anew. Doubtless this will be true for future generations as well.
The meaning of a verse may be compared to a rosebud: it is hidden by successive layers of petals. A new meaning is perceived as each petal unfolds. For this reason, the verses have many different interpretations and meanings. It is quite incorrect to assign a single interpretation to the Koran's verses and to claim that that is the only possible meaning. It is more appropriate to use permissive expressions in interpretation -for example, "one meaning of the verse is such - and - such."
Before proceeding with the explanation of the verses I shall interpret in this book, I find it useful to remind the reader of certain points which should be borne in mind where the meaning and interpretation of Koranic verses are concerned. First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the subtle nuance between the "meaning" and the "interpretation" of the verses. "Meaning" is an act of translation; that is, it is the task of translating from one language directly into another. On the other hand, "interpretation" is the activity of explanation and explication within a wider context.
The following points need to be kept in view while translating Koranic chapters and verses into other languages:
1. Translation should be made in accordance with the rules of both languages. Interpretations should not be included in the text.
2. A word whose precise correlate does not exist should not be expressed by the second-best choice. The original should be preserved as is, and explained in the interpretation section.
3. If a word with several meanings has been translated in only one of its senses, the others must also be treated in the explanatory section. Utmost care should be taken to avoid forced explanations and contrivances, even when these are well-intentioned, for the Word of God cannot tolerate the slightest distortion.
The most reliable of interpretations is the one made by recourse to other verses, to the Prophet's sayings (Traditions'), or to the words of the Prophet's Companions. The etymological and grammatical principles of the Arabic language are also important sources, as are the rules of rhetoric and eloquence. The sources listed may nevertheless prove insufficient in interpreting certain verses. This is where scientific advances and technological inventions will provide the path of greatest illumination.
Many verses of the Glorious Koran dealing with the physics of the cosmos have neither been published collectively, nor has a satisfactory explanation been provided for them. In order to partially fulfill this difficult task, it has a satisfactory explanation been provided for them. In order to partially fulfill this difficult task, it has occurred to me to compile the interpretations of 50 verses which I have been preparing for many years in five books of-ten verses each.
Following a review of all major publications in the fields of contemporary physics and astrophysics, I have tried to present the reliable scientific facts side by side with the Koran's scientific miracles to the reader. In relating the most recent and Involved issues in the fields of physics and astrophysics (the "physics of the cosmos"), I have found further simplification impossible at certain points. I hope to be excused by my readers. This is an inevitability imposed by the very nature of the subject.
My sole purpose is to share my knowledge with my brethren. I ask the forgiveness of my readers for any mistakes of interpretation. Our exalted Book is far beyond any flaw: If there are omissions and mistakes, they are mine alone. I begin by taking refuge in the bounty and mercy of God, the lord of Universe.
May God grant us all the behavior deserving of his favor.
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