Dr. Y. V. Subba Rao, Ph.D., FIE, is a Chartered Mining Engineer, Govt of India Certified First Class Mines Manager and Mines Surveyor. He was born in 1938 in an orthodox Brahmin family with horary traditions in a small town Gudur, a place on the world map, for its rich reserves of spotless clean muscovite mica mineral.
He had his first lessons in astrology at an early age from his father. He studied geology and astronomy as part of his mining engineering curriculum. He was on the faculty of Department of Mining Engineering in Osmania University and later on the faculty of Department of Geology in S. V. University.
He retired as Executive Engineer, University Science and Instrumentation Centre, S.V. University, Tirupati in 1996 on attaining superannuation. He holds a Ph.D in Vedic Astrology. He is the President of Vedic Astrological Society of Tirupati (VAST). He is Life Fellow of Indian Council of Astrological Society (ICAS), Fellow of Institution of Engineers (FIE) (Mining and Metallurgy Division) and Member of Electron Microscope Society of lnida (MEMSI). Member, Advisory Committee of Veda-Science Project, Sri Venkateswara Vedic University, Tirupati, India.
The hypothesis on 'Origin of Life and Evolution' presented to my readers through the pages of this small venture describes an alternative and the only concept based on Vedic Astrology. This unconventional hypothesis i5 of profound significance in the scientific quest for truth for origin of life is nonetheless a hypothesis based with logic and scientific reasoning at every step. At this juncture, I may state that some of the salient points of the hypothesis submitted to "Correlation". Research Journal of Astrology, UK it 2009 (not published for want of testable proof) was scientifically validated by NASA and European Planetary Science Congress in 2012.
As the problem still remains a great challenge, I thought it fit to address the question with an unprejudiced mind. The four Vedas and the six are ageless. One of the Vedangas, Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) is not only the derivative of Astronomy but also life side of Astronomy. It deals with of the individual as he is linked to the cosmos, so also his DNA - - 2- s :;y, A7atomy, DNA, Origin of Life and Evolution are all linked to Cosmology. In fact, the genesis of Vedic Astrology is fully based or Astronomy, Astrophysics and Astrobiology in its entirety.
The unalterable nature of destiny, the unalterable nature of planetary at :-e time of birth, the unalterable nature of magnetic cycles ox Solar system at the time of birth and the unalterable nature of human DNA fixed at the time of birth - all these suggest that there exists a common thread running through all these beads.
Similarly, the presence of Hydrogen in Cosmos and Human Physiology suggests a strong link between the individual and the cosmos, thus Man is a Microcosm of the Macrocosm, the Universe.
The ancient Hindus excelled in all subjects that afforded the largest field for abstraction and contemplation. The uncanny ability of the ancient Hindus to see the future is indisputable. The works mostly in Sanskrit are o astounding precision and exactitude in their operation. They are highly scientific but unfortunately without proof of their statements similar to the note books of Srinivasa Ramanujan, mathematics genius.
In spite of large gaps in their knowledge about the modern scientific data on the evolution of life, the ancient Indians succeeded in understanding the origin and evolution of life in its broad outline. The modern science is trying hard to unravel the mystery of origin of life. Experiments on amino-acids etc., have only indicated the frame that would be necessary to hold life but not its cause, i.e., the spirit. The identification of the spirit and its role in the origin of life is the prime contribution of ancient Indian thought, which fact is to be recognised by modern science. Hence, there is need for a close collaboration of modern science and ancient Indian thought to fully understand the origin of life and evolution of living matter in the universe in general and on the Earth in particular.
The ancient Indian thought on the origin of life and evolution as well as that portion of it so far brought out in these pages for the benefit of the readers has been scientifically validated. The author's hypothesis pronounced in 2009 that Life came from space has been validated by NASA in 2011 and that the Planets bear the DNA molecules has been validated very recently in 2012 when the researchers at the European Planetary Science Congress suggested micro-organisms that crashed to Earth embedded in the fragments of distant planets might have been the sprouts of life on this planet.
This work is dedicated to the research community working in this area and to one and all interested in the subject as well. If this venture is able to bring out a change in the mental outlook of my readers, I feel that my labours are more than recompensed and exclaim 'eureka', even if some more of the salient points are further scientifically validated by experimentation.
**Contents and Sample Pages**
Hindu (1762)
Philosophers (2383)
Aesthetics (327)
Comparative (69)
Dictionary (12)
Ethics (41)
Language (369)
Logic (74)
Mimamsa (57)
Nyaya (141)
Psychology (427)
Samkhya (65)
Shaivism (61)
Shankaracharya (236)
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