Suneet Varma celebrates the work of this pioneering Indian designer with a trove of iconic images by India's top photographers like Prabuddha Dasgupta, Bharat Sikka, Farrokh Chothia, Tarun Khiwal, Vibhash Tiwari and Pommy Issar. There are also interviews with industry experts and stalwarts. It provides a unique insight into Suneet's design process from inspiration to runway and also his vision for the future.
His next involvement was a fashion show organized at Carma, a lovely space in Mehrauli which featured the work of two designers. This was Suneet's first show on the theme of spring and it received rave reviews. The designs were light and fresh and the mood was exuberant and happy.
And so began Suneet's career and the upward graph was terrific. All his work was beautifully conceived. It was extremely contemporary and Suneet rediscovered embroidery. His studio was small and full of inspirational photographs His drawings were like works of art; the embroidery patterns were detailed to the finest degree. 1 chanced upon a crystal embroidered veil on a gold lamé cloth. I was marveling at its finesse, when I realized that I was seeing the reverse side of the embroidery, I turned it around and it just took my breath away.
Very soon he was designing trousseaus for brides. The fabrics became more pliant and the embroidery more refined. He introduced new silhouettes, and in some ways added a repertoire to the traditional skirt and veil. His inspiration was no longer restricted to India. There were influences from Greece, Italy, France and many parts of the world; from rare porcelain bowls, contemporary art, sexy films, to the tango and Renaissance painting. It was an exquisite mélange with an essentially Indian overtone. He has since branched into accessories and his Judith Lieber bags are superb. They are pavé set with crystals and overlaid with ruby and emerald colored stones.
Suneet is constantly searching for new ways of interpreting his vision, and his clothes and accessories continue to reach new levels of refinement. He has received much acclaim and many awards but none of this has changed him. He continues to remain impeccably polite and hard-working and above all, a fine gentleman with a happy and reverberating laugh.
Typically. Varma's narratives based in arts. movie; all these have proved to be source inspiration, the starting point for many a collection. Shaam-e-Awadh (2010) up song 'Nigahein Milane Ko Chahta Hai' movie Hi To Hai. An early collection. The Tree of (1994), inspired by the oft-used motif kalamkari textiles. Enchanted Forest William Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream, while sculptures of Aphrodite. the classical goddess love, his collection titled Greek Sculpture of Venus (1992). The movie Farewell, My Concubine was spirit behind Lure of Orient (2008).
It no accident much his inspiration comes from the West. my sensibility the 1988, analyses East-West confluence his work. "Suneet one the early designers venture the international arena his design was impacted from it. That understated and not rich, luxurious but over the top, and with equal élan Mumbai New York."
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