This book deals with Horary Astrology in general and Naadi Prashna Hora in particular. The author has included brain wave psychology establishing the origin of question and the functional conscious theory. He has merged the philosophy of karma with super conscious and hardwired mechanism in brain functions besides proving that the occult matters dealt in Prashna Marga are the science of highest order which can be proved by neuroscience. In his conscious theory he brought out the relationship of Kendra and Kona houses and the other houses which are resultant interchanging transitory effect between Kendra and Kona and vice versa. The primary importance given to Kendra in Shatpanchasikha is well established in a separate chapter. With unfailing principles in Naadi supported by ample practical case studies, this book is a perfect guide to horary astrology.
Before proceeding further, I would like to quote a dictum from Prashna Marga: Kala Hora Phalam vaacyam prashturvismaapanam param Vishwaartha swabhaartyaastadapyatha vilikhyathe
Eighth chapter, 54th dictum “To create confidence in the Jyotisha Sastra and to Predict amazing events and to make believe the words of astrologer, the astrologer should predict the results through Kala Hora”.
In the nest dictum (Sloka), Prashna Marga gives the results of planetary significations for each Hora lord. This evidently proves that Hora system of prediction, gives amazing results that is based on only planetary significations. None other than the authenticated text like Prashna Marga acknowledges this. In other words, a system of prediction based on only signification of planets exists and used in giving amazing prediction. This is a proof of the system used in Naadi prediction.
I have been experimenting on Naadi system and brought out four books so far. The first one is “Predication secrets – Naadi Astrology”, second book is “Celestial Matrix”, the third is “Revelation from Naadi Jyotisha” and 4th book is “Orbital Providence”. Publication of first book has given a wide awareness about the Bhrigu Nandi system of Sri R.G. Rao across the ocean and in India. For the last 6 years, I have been taking the classes on Naadi system at different institutions. During the last two years, classes were held in “Sravana Astrological Research Institute” at Hyderabad. This has given me opportunity to go in for deeper though process and bring out the books “Revelation from Naadi Jyotisha” and “Orbital Providence”, In “Revelation from Naadi Jyotisha” for the first time in the history of astrology the secret behind lordship allotment to Zodiac is established convincingly adopting the orbits of planets to Zodiac formation. In this book the Sun trine and Moon trines with respective karma trines establishing metaphysical reasoning of Moolatrikona was explained. The orbital sequence of planets and the Moolatrikona was explained. The orbital sequence of planets and the relative order of Hora sequence and weekday sequences were explained convincingly co-relating to earlier Sun and Moon trines with relative karma trine. For the first time effort was made in this book to introduce neuroscience into astrology with the application of brain wave theory.
These two years have been a brain storming session due to participation of intelligent, interactive and responsive students. Many devoted students of Naadi astrology have sincerely made the notes of my lectures and are contributing articles based on these lessons in Astrological Magazines.
Astrology has many branches and horary astrology (Prashna Sastra) is a branch, which deals with answering questions. Prashna Marga is a great work exclusively accredited with prime place especially in Kerala state in south India. Shatpanchasikha is another great work by Sri Prithuyashas, son of great Varahamihiracharya. Prashna Marga is extensively followed in Kerala state in southern India. This is the most authenticated work. This deals in southern India. This is the most authenticated work. This deals with many methods of Horary Astrology including Ashtamangala Prashna, which is the hometown subject in Kerala. Prashna Marga is available in English. However, this subject cannot be learnt by theory. The secrets of application are transferred traditionally (guru parampara). However, some of the scholars from this traditional cult have written some books in Kannada language, which helped me to grasp some secrets. Similarly, Sri V.A.K Iyer excellently translated the Shatpanchasikha in 1986. However, in the recent past, this book of Sri V.A.K. Iyer was reproduced in Telgu language. Some of the authors from Karnataka have translated 56 Sloka of original text of Shatpanchasikha with explanations to each Sloka in Kannada.
Though the main aim is to introduce the structured method in Naadi Horary astrology, I have introduced some portions from Prashna Marga and Shatpanchasikha as there is close relationship with regard to selecting a reference point in the horary chart. In both of these systems the Aroodha Lagna is given importance which is computed by different selection methods. In Naadi, the selection of reference point is Hora lord. I have been experimenting to combine the principles of Parasara, Jataka Chandrika, Bhavartha ratnakara and Phaladeepika. Exploring the link between Kendra and Kona houses, my experiments lead me to reframe the rules not only in traditional astrology but also to Prashna Hora in Naadi.
In my previous book, “Orbital Providence” I have introduced the psychology the psychology in Astrology. Here I am elaborating the subject on conscious levels in relation to Astrology and established that a problem and solution will be in the different conscious levels of the person approaching the astrologer. It is the art of astrologer to read the conscious levels of the person asking question and find out the solutions to the problems through the help of Astrological tools. The sub title of the book “Horary Astrology & Cosmic Psyche in Classical and Naadi” suggests this aspect of the book. The highlight of this work is the revelation of secret behind the importance of Kendra and Kona houses propounded in Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra and its explanatory sequels Jataka Chandrika and Phaladeepika. The sequence of Kendra and Kona counts revealed amazing truth behind many secrets in astrology. These relates in every aspect of astrology having relationship with orbits of planets. The sequence on which Rahu kala is attributed to weekdays is also explained. All these are fundamentals by nature and therefore discussed in every chapter where relative preliminaries are dealt. Naadi numerology is one more invention introduced in this book. This is useful in snapshot predictions for questions.
The book is designed to cater not only to beginners in Astrology but also to practicing astrologers as a horary astrology guide. This book has 9 Chapters.
While reading a book it is common for most of the practicing astrologers to skip the fundamentals and go straight to selective chapters. In this work, there are certain fundamentals, which have either undergone modification or appearing as new additions that are essential for understanding the concept of Prashna Hora principles in the subsequent chapters. I, therefore, recommend the readers to study all the chapters sequentially. This would enable easy understanding.
Though in this work Prashna Hora Naadi is based on Naadi Horary system in introduced by Sri R.G. Rao of Bangalore in his book “Kashyapa Hora”, not deviating with the spirit of original work, I had to rephrase the rules to bridge the gap between traditional astrology and Naadi system.
Constant study based on the concepts of “Conscious Theory” and the traditional principles the research yielded an idea to reframe the rules for Prashna Hora in Naadi system. Having set the rules, randomly I have tested them in answering the questions put forth by various people. Brilliantly they fit into application without any failures.
Any system to emerge as mainstream application it has to meet the following criteria. 1. It should be based on the authenticated standards 2. It should stand for repeated demonstrations 3. It should produce common results in comparison with standard applications To meet the above criteria random testing does not fulfill the task. There must be a professional real – time approach to certify that the rules set – in have met the above criteria. For this purpose, I had o organize a team and set up a consultancy service catering o public. My students enthralled by this idea readily enrolled themselves for this task. This was high time that we function as a term not only for this task. This was high time that we function as a term not only for this work but also for our future endeavors. It was essential for us to establish an institution for our research works. As luck would have it, an organization titled “Chronos Data Bridge” is readily available registered a couple of years ago by one of our students Sri Ravi Gollapalli along with his friend Sri Gudupudi Ramachandra Murthy. Sri Ravi liberally offered me to head a separate department of occult sciences to accommodate the research and other related works. We have involved Sri Yamajala Srinivas a software engineer who is a brilliant student in Naadi Astrology having background of not only traditional astrology but also a well – versed “Ghanapaati” (special expertise in reciting Veda mantras). This department has already started translation works on Astrology. The main aim of this department is to establish a database on astrology and occult sciences and conduct research languages and make it available to students of astrology in English across the world.
This team has taken up the task of experimenting rules reframed by me for Prashna Hora on practical cases. Amazingly sufficient number of case studies conducted, several feedbacks obtained, and the rules have met all the criteria to emerge as mainstream application system in Prashna Hora Naadi. These practical case studies are appearing as example charts in this book. I have also included my comments and to some of the charts I have given the delineations applying other classical astrological rules.
Though we are a team I must definitely congratulate and offer my gratitude for the valuable contribution of Sri Yamajala Srinivas and Sri Ravi Gollapalli who have taken up the task of conducting consultancy and feedback process and accumulated enough data within a short period. They are no less than coauthors for this book.
I thank the entire students, friends and relatives, who are actually inspiring force behind my experiments. I am also thankful to Sagar Publications for their ever – ready attitude to publish my books and their efforts to include North Indian Charts.
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