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The Kathopanisad with Sankarabhasyam (Based on Swami Paramarthananda's Lectures)

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Item Code: NAM792
Author: Divyajnana Sarojini Varadarajan
Publisher: Selva Nilayam, Coimbatore
Language: Sanskrit Text with English Translations
Edition: 2019
Pages: 624
Cover: Hardcover
Other Details 8.5 inch X 5.5 inch
Weight 880 gm
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Book Description

Smt. Sarojini Varadarajan has been a keen student of Vedanta for several years. As a disciple of Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati, she attended a Vedanta course conducted at Arsha Vidya Gurukulam, Coimbatore. She has been listening to my classes also directly audio recordings. She has the habit of taking notes and sharing them with other seekers. When she submitted the manuscript on my Mundakopanishad-bhashyam classes, two years back I could see the amount of effort that has gone into it. Due to various commitments, I could not take the responsibility of editing and publishing this useful work. She did the editing herself and published the book a year back, which was released by Sri Swami Dayananda Saraswati.

I am vary happy to know now that she has edited, and setting the Kathopannisad also published along with the bhasyam based on my Kathopanisad-bhasyam classes.

I congratulate Smt. Sarojini Varadarjan for her effort. May this book reach the hands of many deserving students of Vedanta.


The Kathopanisad is an upanisad hich is present in the brahmana portion of the Katha sakha of Krsayajurveda. The upanisads are referred to as Vedanta woing to their location at the end of the Veda. They contain the knowledge that frees an emotionally mature mumuksu from all senses of limitations, here and now itself. Each upanisad tries to explain the same truth in a different metrology, hoping that one way or the other the people would ultimately be able to understand the one and only ultimate truth that one is actually not the body-mind-complex that one can objectify but the atma which is non-different from the one and only Brahman, which one cannot objectify. The guruparampara (teaching tradition) unfolds this upanisadic knowledge in such a way that they are assimilable.

The KAthopanisad is one of the ten upanisads which have been commented upon by Sri Adi Sankaracarya. Sri Swami Dayananda saraswati talking about Sankarabhasyam says that Sankaracarya presents the whole sampradaya in his commentary. He says Sankaracarya tells us how the words are to be looked at, what exactly is the meaning of a given word, why that meaning etc. Ths it is all a highly analysed upanisadic teaching. Shri Swami Paramarthananda a highly respected teacher in the guruparampara and a disciple of Sri Swami Dayananda Saraswati taugh this Kathopanisad in his weekly classes in Chennai along with Sankarabhasyam in a very simple and lucid manner. This book is primarily based on those talks.

The purpose of this book is to enable the reader to understand and revel in the teaching of the Kathopanisad. This book contains the mantras in Devanagari along with the Roman transliteration, anvaya (prose order) for the mantras, a summary and detailed meaning the mantras. Most important it includes the text of Sankarabhasyam, and a lucid explanation of the same.

The significant feature of the book is to keep the explanation of the upanisad of text and bhasyam true to the original Sanskrit text as closely as possible. As part of the teaching Swami Paramarthananda has said a lot more to make the purport of the text clear. The additional part has been carefully separated and placed at the beginning of each mantra along with the introduction to the mantras. Thus all that was taught by Swamiji has been retained, but segregated and re-arranged as described to facilitate the understanding of the bhasyam with greater ease. For the very same reason, each of the Sanskrit words of the bhasyam have been transliterated and put in brackets at the appropriate placed. Further, whatever extra words had to be used to make the teaching clear, which are not in the commentary have been also put in the same brackets. Therefore as you read you will observe that some brackets contain both transliterated words as well as English words with a long dash like this (-) in between. Extra reference notes also have been provided along with the explanation of the bhasyam. Thus the book is intended to be a valuable resource and reference for vedantic students at all levels.

After Swami Paramarthananda's lectures on Mundaka upanisad was released Swami Saksakrtananda said to me "why don't you compile Swami Paramarthananda's lectures on Kathopanisad into a book as well?" This induced me to happily take up this work inspite of my age and health as I thoroughly enjoyed compiling Swamiji's lectures on the Mundaka upanisad.

If not for Swami Saksakrtananda' s encouragement, I could never have brought this book into print. Brahmacari Sankarji helped me in the form of correcting the book by patiently and diligently going through my manuscript checking each word. He also did a wonderful job of proof-reading. I am greatful to him for this. I have also to mention in this context my life partner of fifty years Sri. Varadarajan who also encouraged me in this project. This is my present to him on his eightieth birth day. Last but not least I have to thank Ms Ambika for helping me in the final stages of formating the book.

I dedicate this book with pranams to pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati and to Pujya Swami Paramarthananda to both of whom I own this knowledge.

General Introduction

The Vedas are the basis of all vedantic study as well as religious rituals. The subject matter of Vedas in the early portion consists all about how to perform the rituals invoking the concerned devatas, whereas the later portion consists all about the knowledge of the cause for this whole universe, and the nature of atma. Both these are not known to us, and therefore we have to know them through the Vedas only. Thus the Vedas give us in the first part, rituals and duties, which will contribute to a religious and ethical or dharmic life. Because of such a life style one 'may' develop a love for freedom called moksa. For such a person the last portion of Veda, known as upanisad gives the liberating teaching of one's true self. We know that Vedas are four, but upanisads can be many, as one Veda has more than one upanisad. However, it does not thereby mean that the subject matter of the various upanisads is different. The subject matter of all upanisads is same, to know Brahman as oneself, only the approach to the teaching varies from upanisad to upanisad.

This upanisad known as Kathopanisad belongs to Krsna-yajurveda. It is called Kathopanisad because it was given by Katha rsih, who was a disciple of Vaisampayana rsih, who in turn was a disciple of Vyasa. This upanisad has two chapters called adhyayas, and each adhyaya has three sections called vallis. These six vallis comprise of 119 mantras.The upanisads generally give their teaching through a dialogue between the teacher and the student. In Kathopanisad also the teaching starts in the same way, in the form of a dialogue between the acarya who happens to be here lord Yamadharmaraja himself, and the disciple Naciketas. The dialogue is in the form of a coversation (samvada) between the two, and not in the form of vada, a heated argument. We usually connect Yamadharmaraja to death, sorrow pain etc and are afraid of him, but in fact he is a great jnani, an exalted jrva who after gaining lot of punya and jnanam, has come to this exalted post. He merely performs his duties in accordance to the jrva's karma. Sankaracarya indicates all this by using the words 'bhagavate' and 'brahma vidhya-acarya', in his introduction to the upanisad.

Sankaracarya has written a beautiful bhasyam, a commentary on this upanisad. On the whole we have Sankaracarya's commentary on ten upanisads among which the bhasyams of Mundakopanisad and Kathopanisad are relatively simpler, because Sankaracarya here does not enter into other systems of philosophy but confines to the text only.

Sankaracarya in his introductory bhasyam to this upanisad gives the derived meaning of the word upanisad. The word upanisad is originally derived from the root 'sad'. This root has got a pair of prefixes (prefix is what comes before the root) - 'upa', and 'ni' as well as a suffix (suffix is what comes after the root) -'qvip'. In Sanskrit suffixes are unique. Its role is, that it appears at the end of the root, which is a verb and converts it into a noun and then disappears and therefore the suffix is not visible to us. So the root 'sad' has become the noun upanisad, along with four components - 'upa' 'ni', 'sad', and 'kvip'- the invisible component. Two prefixes, 'upa' and 'ni' join the root, 'sad' before it takes the form of the word upanisad, and together, they form the word upanisad. According to Sanskrit combination (sandhi) rules, when you join 'upani' with 'sad', then the letter's' in 'sad' will get converted into letter 's'. The word upanisad is thus formed which finally means, the knowledge of Brahman, a teaching that can destroy sarnsara and give moksa, or at least weaken sarnsara when given to a qualified student who seeks it with commitment.

Why is it said that the knowledge of Brahman either destroys sarnsara or at least weakens samsara? It is said so, because in this upanisad besides nirguna brahmavidya, saguna brahmopasana is also given, in the form of viratopasana. Therefore the derived meaning of the word upanisad can be taken, as being based on either nirguna brahmavidya or brahmajnanam, or on saguna brahmavidya or saguna brahmopasana. When you give the nirguna brahmavidya meaning, then the word upanisad conveys the meaning of destroyer of sarnsara and the one that leads to moksa, But when you give the saguna brahmavidya meaning then the upanisad conveys the meaning of one which merely weakens samsara because only nirguna brahmavidya can destroy samsara, where as saguna brahmopasana can only weaken samsara by taking the upasaka to brahmaloka. Sankaracarya very elaborately comments upon this in his introductory commentary. In this context he raises a doubt and clears it as well, in his usual style.

The doubt is regarding the word upanisad, whether its primary meaning refers merely to the words in the upanisad or to the knowledge conveyed by those words. This doubt does not usually arise in books of other subjects because the words there have no other use except to convey the knowledge, but in the case of the upanisads it is different, as some people merely chant the upanisads, without bothering about the meaning, as it is also a form of traditional learning of the upanisads. Therefore the words of the text are also called upanisad. Thus in this case, the textbook containing the words is also called upanisad, and the knowledge generated by them is also called upanisad. Therefore which is the primary meaning and which is the secondary meaning? Having raised the question, Sankaracarya himself answers it. He says that since the meaning of upanisad is to destroy samsara and since the mere words of the text cannot do it, and since it can be done only by the knowledge generated by the words, the knowledge therein and not the words therein should be taken as the primary meaning of the word upanisad. The mere words of the text can only be the secondary meaning of the word upanisad.

Sankaracarya ends his introduction by talking about anubandha-catustayam, which consists, firstly the eligibility of the candidate, secondly the subject matter, thirdly the purpose of the book and finally the connection between the means and the end, which we shall see soon. But before that comes, the prayer part known as santi pathah. In every upanisad, at the beginning there is a prayer chanted by both the teacher and the student. The words of the prayer are very meaningful and clearly tell what the prayer is for.


Forward by Swami Dayanada Saraswati ix
Forward by Swami Paramarthananda x
Preface xi
Key to Transliteration xv
Kathopanisad Text xvi
General Introduction 1
Santi pathah 6
Upodghata Bhasyam of Sankaracharya 8
Adhyaya -1 Valli - 1
Mantra-1 usan ha vai vajasravasah 19
Mantra-2 tam ha kumararh santam 23
Mantra-3 pitodaka jagdhatrnah 25
Mantra-4 sa hovaca pitaram tata 28
Mantra-5 bahunam emi prathamah 31
Mantra-6 anupasya yatha purve 35
Mantra-7 vaisvanarah pravisati 38
Mantra-8 asapratikse sangatarn 42
Mantra-9 tisro ratriryad avatsirgrhe 45
Mantra-10 santasankalpah sumana 48
Mantra-11 yatha purastadbhavita 51
Mantra-12 svarge loke na bhayarn 55
Mantra-13 sa tvam agnim svargyam 58
Mantra-14 pra te bravimi tad 61
Mantra-15 lokadim agnim tam uvaca 64
Mantra-16 tarn abravit priyamanah 68
Mantra-17 trinaciketastribhiretya 72
Mantra-18 trinaciketastrayam etad 78
Mantra-19 esa te'gnirnaciketah svargyah 82
Mantra-20 yeyarn prete vicikitsita 85
Mantra-21 devairatrapi vicikitsitam pura 93
Mantra-22 devairatrapi vicikitsitam kila 96
Mantra-23 satayusah putrapautran 99
Mantra-24 etattulyam yadi rnanyase 102
Mantra-25 ye ye kamah durlabhah 105
Mantra-26 svobhava martyasya 108
Mantra-27 na vittena tarpaniyah 113
Mantra-28 ajrryatam amrtanam 115
Mantra-29 yasminnidam vicikitsanti 120
Adhyaya - 1 Valli - 2
Mantra-1 anyacchreyo'nyad 124
Mantra-2 sreyasca preyasca 132
Mantra-3 sa tvarn priyan priyarupan 136
Mantra-4 duramete viparite visuci 139
Mantra-5 avidyayam antare 143
Mantra-6 na samparayah 147
Mantra-7 sravanayapi bahubhih 152
Mantra-8 na narenavarena prokta 156
Mantra-9 naisa tarkena matih 167
Mantra-10 janamyaharn sevadhih 171
Mantra-11 kamasyaptim jagatah 175
Mantra-12 tarn durdarsam gudham 179
Mantra-13 etacchrutva samparigrhya 184
Mantra-14 anyatra dharmad anyatra 188
Mantra-15 sarve veda yat padam 191
Mantra-16 etaddhyevaksaram brahma 196
Mantra-17 etadalambanam srestham 198
Mantra-18 na jayate mriyate va 201
Mantra-19 hanta cenmanyate hantum 209
Mantra-20 anoraniyanmahato mahiyan 212
Mantra-21 asmo duram vrajati 219
Mantra-22 asarlram sariresu 227
Mantra-23 nayam atma pravacanena 230
Mantra-24 navirato duscaritad 234
Mantra-25 yasya brahma ca ksatram 237
Adhyaya - 1 Valli - 3
Mantra-1 rtam pibantau sukrtasya 242
Mantra-2 yah seturijananam aksaram 251
Mantra-3 atmanam rathinarh viddhi 254
Mantra-4 indriyani hayan ahuh 257
Mantra-5 yastvavijnanavan bhavati 261
Mantra-6 yastu vijnanavan bhavati 264
Mantra-7 yastvavijnanavan bhavati 266
Mantra-8 yastu vijnanavan bhavati 268
Mantra-9 vijnanasarathiryastu 271
Mantra-10 indriyebhyah para 275
Mantra-11 mahatah paramavyaktam 285
Mantra-12 esa sarvesu bhutesu 291
Mantra-13 yacchedvanmanasi prajnah 300
Mantra-14 uttisthata jagrata 305
Mantra-15 asabdam asparsam 312
Mantra-16 naciketam upakhyanam 321
Mantra-17 ya imam paramam 324
Adhyaya - 2 Valli - 1
Mantra-1 paranci khani vyatrnat 329
Mantra-2 paracah kamananuyanti 341
Mantra-3 yena rupam rasarn gandham 347
Mantra-4 svapnantam jagaritantam 356
Mantra-5 ya imam madhvadam veda 361
Mantra-6 yah purvam tapaso jatam 364
Mantra-7 ya pranena sambhavati 369
Mantra-8 aranyornihito jataveda 372
Mantra-9 yatascodeti suryah 376
Mantra-10 yadeveha tad amutra 380
Mantra-11 manasaivedam aptavyam 384
Mantra-12 angusthamatrah purusah 387
Mantra-13 angusthamatrah purusah 392
Mantra-14 yathodakam durge 396
Mantra-15 yathodakam suddhe 399
Adhyaya - 2 Valli - 2
Mantra-1 puram ekadasadvaram 405
Mantra-2 hamsah sucisad 413
Mantra-3 urdhvam pranam 422
Mantra-4 asya visramsamanasya 427
Mantra-5 na pranena napanena 431
Mantra-6 hanta ta idam pravaksyami 435
Mantra-7 yonim anye prapadyante 437
Mantra-8 ya esa suptesu jagarti 442
Mantra-9 agniryathaiko bhuvanam 446
Mantra-10 vayuryathaiko bhuvanam 451
Mantra-11 suryo yatha sarvalokasya 454
Mantra-12 eko vasi sarvabhuta 464
Mantra-13 nityo'nityanam 471
Mantra-14 tadetaditi manyante 476
Mantra-15 na tatra suryo bhati 480
Adhyaya - 2 Valli - 3
Mantra-1 urdhvamulo'vaksakhah 486
Mantra-2 yadidam kinca jagat 501
Mantra-3 bhayad asyagnistapati 506
Mantra-4 iha cedasakad boddhum 509
Mantra-5 yathadarse tathatmani 512
Mantra-6 indriyanam prthagbhavam 517
Mantra-7 indriyebhyah param manah 521
Mantra-8 avyaktat tu parah purusah 524
Mantra-9 na sandrse tisthati 527
Mantra-10 yada paficavatisthante 531
Mantra-11 tarn yogam iti manyante 536
Mantra-12 naiva vaca na manasa 542
Mantra-13 astityeva upalabdhavyah 553
Mantra-14 yada sarve pramucyante 561
Mantra-15 yada sarve prabhidyante 566
Mantra-16 Satam caika ca hrdayasya 570
Mantra-17 angusthamatrah purusah 579
Mantra-18 mrtyuproktam naciketah 585
Mantra-19 om saha navavatu 591

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