We feel happy to offer this booklet on Indian Ethos for Management to the leaders and management experts who are trying to build a better India for tomorrow.
All over the world, there is a growing demand for corporating spiritual culture in top-management through regular spiritual session with prayer, meditation or holy reading with corporate members. Old feudalistic ways of exploitation, manipulation and disrespect are not working. On the contrary, people especially increasing number of knowledge workers, are responding more cheerfully to genuine respect and care offered to them in an attitude of service to their own innate divinity. People, both owners and workers are also searching for internal excellence, purity and freedom from sensate attractions.
Workshops are now being held in many places to explore how individuals or institution can achieve true success, excellence and feel a sense of purposefulness and fulfillment in life. We hope the contents a sense of purposefulness and fulfillment in life. We hope the contents of the book will help and strengthen all the leaders for tomorrow's India.
We are grateful to Revered Swami Ranganathanandaji Maharaj, present President Ramakrishna Math and Mission, for kindly writing an inspiring foreword to this booklet.
Human life and work, individual and collective, needs a philosophy to guide it so as to make it the means for individual fulfillment and collective welfare. The more comprehensive that philosophy, the greater will be the fulfillment and welfare, such a comprehensive philosophy has been given to humanity by experiment and experience by the sages, men and women, of the Upanishads a few thousand years ago in India. It had so far remained far away from human collective life and influenced only a few select spiritual seekers. This philosophy known as Vedanta, described by the Mundaka Upanishad as Brahma Vidyam Sarva Vidya-pratishtam- the science of Brahman which is the basis of all sciences'- was presented by Swami Vivekananda in the modern age in its practical form so as to influence and inspire humanistically all types of human endeavours. One such endeavour is management and public administration.
Swami Jitatmananda has, in this book: Indian Ethos for Management, precisely done this. Some other authors also have dealt with this subject in their books. It will be enriched further by writers in the coming decades. The Indian concept of rajarshi in which raja or power is humanized, even divinized by rishi - 'sagely within and kingly without', as the ancient Chinese thinkers expressed it - is going to inspire more and more people of responsibility in India and abroad in the coming years. That conviction is expressed by the author in the closing para of his concluding chapter.
While appreciating and recommending this book to the readers, let me share with them this utterance of the ancient Chhandogya Upanishad: Yadeva Vidyaya Karoti, Sraddhaya, Upanisada, tadeva viryavattaram bhavati'What is done with knowledge, conviction, and meditation, will alone achieve maximum energy and efficiency.
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