Vidyut Shastri, a young entrepreneur from Delhi, gets an unexpected summon from his 108 year-old great grandfather who is now on his deathbed. The old matthadheesh or clan-leader Brahmin from the ancient Indian city of Kashi (Banaras) wants to reveal the secret of a prehistoric curse to Vidyut. A curse that not just destroyed an entire civilization thousands of years ago, but also obliterated its very truth.
Until now.
The dying Brahmin, Dwarka Shastri, is the last among a lineage of guardians of a hidden cellar in the complex maze of a Shiva temple in Banaras. There lies buried a 3,500 year- old encrypted and preserved hand-written scroll. It has a lone Sanskrit couplet written on it, along with a prophecy that during a specific sacred hour in the Rohini Nakshatra (constellation) on the purnima or full-moon as per the shaka- samvat or Hindu calendar, a person of their own bloodline, yet unblemished by the sins of his ancestors, will unfurl the dark secret. He will put an end to the most horrifying curse in the history of mankind.
Vinect is a first-generation entrepreneur. At age 22 he started his company Magnon from a small shed. Today Magnon is among the largest digital agencies in the subcontinent, and part of the Fortune 500 Omnicom Group.
He has led the global top-ten advertising agency TBWA as its India CEO. This made him perhaps the youngest ever CEO of a multinational advertising network in the country.
He has won several entrepreneurship and corporate excel- lence awards, including the Entrepreneur of the Year 2016. He was recently listed among the 100 Most Influential People in India's Digital Ecosystem.
Vineet's second company talentrack is disrupting the media, entertainment & creative industry in India. It is the fast- est-growing online hiring and networking platform for the sector.
He has written three bestselling management & inspiration- al books - Build From Scratch, The Street to the Highway and The 30 Something CEO.
He is an avid swimmer, a gaming enthusiast, a bonfire gui- tarist and a road-trip junkie.
**Contents and Sample Pages**
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