In this vibrant collection of short fiction, editors Meenakshi Bharat and Sharon Rundle bring together a diverse group of writers from the Indian subcontinent and Australia to explore the themes of tolerance and intolerance. Their stories are compelling, urgent and thought-provoking. They trace the lives of those affected by the metaphorical and literal walls erected by society to offer a glimpse of a divided world, but one that is by no means devoid of compassion.
And yet, when Meenakshi and Sharon asked me to write about intolerance, which is the overarching theme of this volume, I found myself accepting with alacrity! There is a growing and pervasive sense of distrust and animosity in the world that I am simply unable to adjust to, and the book provides an ideal platform to explore this and to share my demons.
As I see it-like Meenakshi, Sharon, the other contributors to this volume and, indeed, many others that you and I meet and share discussions with, or have never met but who share our anguish-the rapid growth of intolerance across the world is as confusing as it is deeply distressing. I am unable to understand or reconcile myself with its cause and prevalence, and don't know if we will ever live in a world of deep tolerance.
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