The Garuda Purana in Two Volumes

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Item Code: IDI037
Author: M. N. Dutta
Language: (Sanskrit Text with English Translation)
Edition: 2023
ISBN: 9788178540863
Pages: 1087
Cover: Hardcover
Other Details 7.2
Weight 2 kg
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Book Description

A few preliminary remarks on the history, scope and contents of the Garuda Puranam may be necessary. The Garuda Puranam may be safely described similar work to the Agni Puranam. Each of them treats of Para Vidya and Apara vidya secular knowledge and metaphysical truths, and partakes more of the nature of a catechism of the then prevailing Brahmananism, or of what a Brahmana was required to know at the time, than of the Puranam proper, at least if we may be admitted to look upon the Ramayana or the Rules of Pancha Sandhis, etc., the Guruda Puranam like its sister work. Reflects but the knowledge of the Brahmanical world at the time and had it used then as is have even now.

Cakrapani Dutta has quoted many a recipe from it and the Visnu Dharmottaram, according to several eminent authorities, originally formed a portion of the Garuda Puranam. All these factors emphatically demonstrate the fact that the Garuda Puranam was in existence even prior the tenth century, of the Christian Era. On the Contrary, we have reasons to believe that hosts of Puranas and Upapuranas were composed in the age of Brahmanic reniscence, which immediately followed the overthrow of Buddhism in India. The Garuda Puranam, like the Agni, Siva, Padma, and other Puranas were the exponents of the victorious Brahmanism tried to tutelary deity of each sect with the attributes of supreme divinity or Brahman and to equip its members with the Vedic literature became a new school of law. Medicine and metaphysics etc. re-instating the old errors of the Vedic literature as if to ignore the many advanced truths and principles of the later day Buddhistic science and to confirm the victory of Brahmanism.

The description of the incidents of the life of Buddha, however meager and incidental it might be, and the occurrence of the name of Susruta in the medical portion of the Garuda Puranam leaves not the slightest doubt that its author was intimately acquainted with the Buddhistic literature of the age, both medical and Metaphysical. It is a settled fact of history that the Susruta Samhita, at least the recension of the Sasruta Samhita by the Buddhist Nagarjuna, was written in the second century before the birth of Christ. Now the Susruta Samhita says that the number of bones in the human body is three hundred. The Visnu Smriti (Institutes of Visnu) following the orthodox (Vedic) non- medical opinion on the subject gives it as three hundred sixty-six.

We know that Nagarjuna, the Buddhist redacter of the Susruta Samhita, mentioned in his recension of the work that there are " three hundred bones in the human organism but the follower of the Vedas say that their number is three hundred and sixty" which tallies with the number given in the Yajnavalkya Smrti. The author of the Garuda Puranam, whoever he might be must have been sufficiently familiar with the works of Nagarjuna and other Buddhistic Medical Acaryas so as to be fully convinced of the truth of their statement and attempted to make the Vedic number of skeletal bones as near to the truth as possible. This fact serves to throw a new light upon the date of the composition of the Brahmanism once more attempted to restore the teachings of the Vedas in their pristine glory and the truths of the Buddhistic science or metaphysics were still too potent a factor to be ignored or lightly dismissed a fact which support our contention and lends a plausible colour to the view we have adopted as regards the probable date of the composition of the Garuda Puranam.

In the first Chapter we learn that the Puranam consistes of eight thousand and eight hundred verses and the subjects dealt with therein are creations of the universe Pujas, holy pools and shrines. Cosmogony and Geography Ages Manus, Duties of differents social orders Gifts making Duties of kings etc. Laws Vratas Royal dynasties Vedagas, Pralaya Laws of Virtue desire and money and knowledge (of Brahman and external things). These then were the main themes that were originally dealt with in the Guruda Puranam and we may say that this was so in the light of the principle of Adhyaya sampravibhaga (classification of chapters) which forms one of the cardinal rules in forming the plan of a Sanskrit work. We regret to say that many things having a direct bearing thereon have been added to it. And within the compass of the eight thousand and eight hundred slokas, as laid down in the introductory chapter. Thus we see that the Pretakhanda or Visnu dharmottara, was added to it by way of an appendix and the reason of these successive accretions to the text can easily understood if we consider that the Garuda Puranam like the Agni etc. although originally a compendium of the available Brahmanical knowledge and rituals pursued and followed by the Vaisnava section of the community came to gather in many tributaries from the other branches of Brahmanic thought and religion as the distinction between the sects of Visnu and other sects Siva and Sakti etc., came to be less marked and pronounced off. Thus we see many Tantrik rites and Mantras such as the Tripura Vidya, Nityaklinna vidya were introduced into the Garuda Puranam.

From the Jacket

The different works known by the name of Puranas (or old) are evidently derived from the myth heroic stage of Hindu belief. The puranas are commonly stated to be eighteen in number. It is said there are also eighteen Upa-Puranas but the names of all these are not found. The principal eighteen Puranas are Brahma, Padma, Visnu, Siva, Bhagvata, Naradiya, Markandeya, Agni, Bhavisya, Brahma, Vaivarta, Linga, Varaha, Skanda, Vamana, Kurma, Matsya, Garuda and Brahmanda.

All these Puranas are classed into three groups according to the qualities, which prevail in them. The matsya Purana remarks that those in which glory of Hari or Visnu prevails are Sattvika those in which the legends of Agni of Siva predominated are Tamasa and those which dwell most on the stories of Brahma are Rajasa.

The Garuda Puranam is a Vaisnava Purana and hence can be termed as Sattvika Purana. It is enumerated in all the lists available in the Puranas though these are not very ancient yet they show the popularity of the Garuda Purana in the Puranic literature. Also the authors of Dharmasastric digests and philosophical works quote extensively from the Garuda Purana thus it holds a unique place among the Puranas.

The present English translation by M. N. Dutt translated into English many Puranas and the Garuda Purana was one of them. It was first published in the year 108. Then it was reprinted. Now publishing its English translation with Sanskrit Verses. It is a medium size Purana consisting eight thousand verses. According to M. N. Dutt the book comprise three Samhitas viz the Agastya Samhita the Brhaspati Samhita ( Nitisara) and the Dhanvantari Samhita. Each one of those Samhitas would give it a permanent value and accord to it an undying fame among the works of practical ethics or Applied medicine. The Agastya Samhita deals with the names of the countries from which our fore fathers used to collect these gems the cutting polishing setting and apprecising etc. of the several kind of jems and dimond as they were practised in ancient in India cannot but be interesting to artists and ay men and the scientific traders unbedded in the highly poetic accounts of these original gems.

With the publication of this important purana alongwith English translation from a rare book by Dr. M. N. Dutt will help the scholars and the devotees as well.


  Preface to the Edition v
  Preface xiii
Chapter I Discourse between Suta and Saunaka and other Rsis in the forest of Naimisa Suta promises to narrate the Garuda Puranam 1
Chapter II Sources of the Garuda Puranam- Visnu charges Garuda to compose the Garuda Puranam 4
Chapter III Suta describes the subjects dealt with in the Garuda Puranam 8
Chapter IV Order of Universal creation described by Narayana to Rudra 9
Chapter V Creation of the Prajapatis. The Progeny of Daksa described 11
Chapter VI Re- incarnation of Daksa in the form of Prachetas - Origin of the different races of men the progeny of Kasyapa described 14
Chapter VII Description of the sun-worship etc. as performed by the Swayambhu Manu. 18
Chapter VIII Description of the mode of worshiping Visnu 20
Chapter IX The mode of spiritual initiation 21
Chapter X The mode of worshipping the goddess Laksmi 22
Chapter XI Description of the Nava- Vyuha form of worship 23
Chapter XII Description of the order to be observed in the course of worship 26
Chapter XIII The prayer of Visnu Panjaram 28
Chapter XIV A brief discourse on Yoga 30
Chapter XV Enumeration of one thousand epithets of Visnu 31
Chapter XVI Description of the mode of meditation on Visnu as well as of the rite of sun worship 41
Chapter XVII Description of another form of sun worship 43
Chapter XVIII Mode of worshipping the death conquering deity (Mrtyunjaya) 44
Chapter XIX The Garudi Vidya which is the cure for all kinds of snake bite 45
Chapter XX Mantra-cure (curative formulas) of snake bite as narrated by Siva 48
Chapter XXI Mode of worshipping the Pancavaktra (five faced) manifestation of Siva 50
Chapter XXII The mode of worshipping Siva 50
Chapter XXIII Description of another form the Siva worship 52
Chapter XXIV The worship of Ganapati 55
Chapter XXV Sandal- worship Paduka puja described 56
Chapter XXVI The mode of performing the rites of Kara- nyasa (location of the energies of different divities in the different limbs by a votary by dint of occult and psychic force) 56
Chapter XXVII Rites for neutralizing the effects of snake venoms 57
Chapter XXVIII The mode of worshipping the Gopala manifestation of Visnu 58
Chapter XXIX Mantras to be used in connection with the worship of Sridhara manifestation of Visnu 59
Chapter XXX Elaborate description of the mode of worship the Sridhara manifestation of Vishnu 60
Chapter XXXI Description of other forms of Visnu worship 62
Chapter XXXII Adoration of the five fundamental principles of the universe 66
Chapter XXXIII Worship of the divine discs (Sudarsnam) 69
Chapter XXXIV Hayagriva worship 70
Chapter XXXV The mode of worshipping the Hayagriva manifestation of Visnu 74
Chapter XXXVI Mode of performing the rite of Gayatri Nyasa 75
Chapter XXXVII Description of the glories of Gayatri 76
Chapter XXXVIII The mode of worshipping the deities, Durga, etc. 77
Chapter XXXIX Description of other form of sun worship 80
Chapter XL Mahesvara worship 82
Chapter XLI Enumeration of diverse incantation Mantras (Nama Vidya) 85
Chapter XLII Description of investing a phallic emblem with sacred thread (Siva- pavitrarohanam) 85
Chapter XLIII Description of the rite of investing an image of Visnu with the holy thread (Visnu- pavitrarohanam) 87
Chapter XLIV Contemplation of embodied God 90
Chapter XLV Characteristic marks of Salagrama Stones 92
Chapter XLVI Adoration of the deity presiding over homesteads (Vastu) 94
Chapter XLVII Essential fetures presiding temple or of a place 97
Chapter XLVIII Installations of Divine images 100
Chapter XLIX Discourses on Yoga and acts of piety 107
Chapter L Discourse on Yoga and gift makings, etc 110
Chapter LI Donations 116
Chapter LII Regulations of Prayascittas (penitential rites) 119
Chapter LIII Traits of conduct of men marked by the several kinds of Nidhis 121
Chapter LIV Progeny of Priya Vrata and incidental description of the seven Islands of the Earth 122
Chapter LV Description of the Geographical situations of the different countries 123
Chapter LVI Enumeration of the names of princes of the continent of Plaksa etc. 124
Chapter LVII Cosmogeny of Hell and the neither regions 126
Chapter LVIII Positions and dimensions of the sun and other planets 126
Chapter LIX Discourses on Astrology presiding deities of the different planets and constellations of stars, situations of Yoginis on the different days of the fortnight etc. 129
Chapter LX Discourses on the period of influence of the different planets with that of the sun 133
Chapter LXI Influences of the moon in her different mansions 134
Chapter LXII Discourses of Lagnamana and determination of what one ought or ought not to do from the stable or mobile character of the Langa 136
Chapter LXIII A brief discourse on the auspicious and inauspicious marks on the persons of males 137
Chapter LXIV A brief discourse on the auspicious or in auspicious marks on the person of females 138
Chapter LXV Auspicious marks on men and women as disclosed by the science of Samudrikam 140
Chapter LXVI Description of the specific marks of Sala-grama, description of Tirthas and of sixty countries such as Prabhasa 148
Chapter LXVII The science of Pavana Vijaya (conquest of breath) and auguring bad of evil from the direction of the breath wind 150
Chapter LXVIII (Agastya Samhita) Description of the origin of gems in the treatise on Ratna Pariksa (test of gems) by the holy Agastya 153
Chapter LXIX Tests of Pearls 157
Chapter LXX Tests of Ruby 162
Chapter LXXI Tests of Emerald 165
Chapter LXXII Tests of Sapphires 167
Chapter LXXIII Tests of Lapis Lazuli (Vaidurya) 169
Chapter LXXIV Tests of topas (puspa-raga) 171
Chapter LXXV Tests of Karketana 171
Chapter LXXVI Test of Bhisma -stone 172
Chapter LXXVII Tests of Pulaka stones 173
Chapter LXXVIII Test of blood stone 174
Chapter LXXIX Tests of crystals 174
Chapter LXXX Tests of Corals 175
Chapter LXXXI A brief description of holy pools and sanctuaries 175
Chapter LXXXII Description of the sanctity of Gaya and its early history 178
Chapter LXXXIII Description of different rite to be performed at different 180
Chapter LXXXIV Ablutions in the river Phalgu merit of masing offerings of funeral cakes at Rudra. History of king Visala 187
Chapter LXXXV Merit of offering funeral cakes at Pretasila in Gaya 191
Chapter LXXXVI Merit of performing Sraddhas at Preta Sila 193
Chapter LXXXVII Enumeration of the names of fourteen Manus and of the Devas and Saptarsis. 196
Chapter LXXXVIII Annals of Ruci incidentally narrated in the discourse between Markandeya and Kraustika 201
Chapter LXXXIX Ruci hymnises the Pitris who in their turn grant him a boon 203
Chapter XC Marriage of Ruci and birth of Raucya Manu 211
Chapter XCI Contemplation of Hari 211
Chapter XCII Contemplation of Hari and its process 213
Chapter XCIII Laws of virtue as promulgated by the holy Yajnavalkya 215
Chapter XCIV Initiation with the holy thread the study of the Vedas 216
Chapter XCV Duties of house holders 219
Chapter XCVI Origin of mixed castes the grat Yajnas Sandhya rites duties of house holders and members of different castes 222
Chapter XCVII Purifications of Metalled articles 229
Chapter XCVIII Gift making and Charity 230
Chapter XCIX Mode of performing Sraddhas 232
Chapter C Worship of Vinayakas Durga 236
Chapter CI Propitiation of malignant Planets 237
Chapter CII Duties of the order of forest dwelling hermits 239
Chapter CIII Duties of Yatis 239
Chapter CIV Signs of sinful souls 240
Chapter CV Rites of atonement (Prayaschitta) 241
Chapter CVI Impurities and Purities 247
Chapter CVII A synopsis of the Dharma Sastra by Parasara 250
Chapter CVIII Synopsis of rules of conduct 254
Chapter CIX Advice on thrift and economy in the Nitisara 256
Chapter CX Advice as to the non-rejectment of certain goods 261
Chapter CXI Commendable traits in kings etc. (in the Nitisara) 264
Chapter CXII Commendable traits in servants (in the Nitisara) 267
Chapter CXIII Injunctions as to the appointments of the honest and the erudite in the king's service etc. 269
Chapter CXIV Injunctions as to the distinction of friends and enemies (in the Nitisara) 274
Chapter CXV Counsels by Shaunaka on forswearing bad wives etc. (End of the Brihaspati Samhita) 280
Chapter CXVI Enumeration of the names of Vratas (vows and penances) commenced 287
Chapter CXVII The Ananga trayodasi Vratam 288
Chapter CXVIII The Akhanda Dvadasi Vratam 289
Chapter CXIX Agastyatritiya Vratam 290
Chapter CXX The Rambha Trtiya Vratam 291
Chapter CXXI The Caturmasyam Vratam 292
Chapter CXXII The Masopavasa Vratam 293
Chapter CXXIII Kartika Vratas 294
Chapter CXXIV The Siva Ratra Vratam 295
Chapter CXXV The Ekadasi Vratam 297
Chapter CXXVI Visvedeva Puja 298
Chapter CXXVII Bhaimi Ekadasi and Dvadasi Vratam 299
Chapter CXXVIII Various Vratas described 300
Chapter CXXIX The Pratipad Vratas 302
Chapter CXXX Marica Saptipad Vratas 305
Chapter CXXXI Rohini Astami Vratas etc 306
Chapter CXXXII The Sadgati Vratam etc 308
Chapter CXXXIII Asokastami Vratas etc 310
Chapter CXXXIV Maha Kausika Vratas etc 312
Chapter CXXXV The Viranavami Vratas etc 313
Chapter CXXXVI The Sravana Dvadasi Vratas etc 313
Chapter CXXXVII The Damanaka Tryodasi Vratas 314
Chapter CXXXVIII Genealogy of royal princes (solar race) 316
Chapter CXXXIX Genealogy of the princes of the lunar race 320
Chapter CXL Description of the race of puru 325
Chapter CXLI descriptions of kings who came after Janamejaya 328
Chapter CXLII Incarnations of Visnu and the glory of nuptial fidelity of Sita Described 330
Chapter CXLIII The Ramayana, 332
Chapter CXLIV Description of the Harivamsa 336
Chapter CXLV The Mahabharatam 337
Chapter CXLVI Description of the Nidanam of all the diseases 341
Chapter CXLVII The Nidanam of Fever 343
Chapter CXLVIII The Nidanam of Raktapittam (Haemorrhage) 351
CXLIX The Nidanam of Cough 352
Chapter CL The Nidanam dyspaksea 354
Chapter CLI The Nidanam of Hic Cough 356
Chapter CLII The Nidanam of pulmonary consumption 352
Chapter CLIII The Nidanam of Aversion of food 359
Chapter CLIV The Nidanam of heart disease 361
Chapter CLV The Nidanam of diseases resulting from the excess or abuse of wine 363
Chapter CLVI The Nidanam of Haemorrhoids 366
Chapter CLVII The Nidanam of Dysentry 370
Chapter CLVIII The Nidanam of Stangury etc 373
Chapter CLIX The Nidanam of diseases of the Urinary organs (Pramehas) 376
Chapter CLX The Nidanam of abscesses etc 380
Chapter CLXI The Nidanam of Ascited etc 386
Chapter CLXII The Nidanam of Chorosis 390
Chapter CLXIII The Nidanam of Erysipelas 393
Chapter CLXIV The Nidanam of cutaneous affections (Kusthas) 396
Chapter CLXV The Nidanam of Bodily parasites 400
Chapter CLXVI The Nidanam of diseases of the nervous system 401
Chapter CLXVII The Nidanam of Vata Raktam 406
Chapter CLXVIII The Nidanam of Mukha roga 409
Chapter CLXIX The Nidanam of diseases of the ears 413
Chapter CLXX The Nidanam of diseases of the nose 418
Chapter CLXXI The Nidanam of diseases of the eyes 424
Chapter CLXXII The Nidanam of diseases of the head 429
Chapter CLXXIII The Nidanam of diseases of the female reproductive organs 433
Chapter CLXXIV The Nidanam of difficult labour 436
Chapter CLXXV The Nidanam, of diseases peculiar to parturient women 437
Chapter CLXXVI The Nidanam of diseases peculiar to peculiar to infant life 439
Chapter CLXXVII The Nidanam of Syphilis 440
Chapter CLXXVIII The Nidanam of Variola 447
Chapter CLXXIX The Nidanam of minor affections 449
Chapter CLXXX The Nidanam of Fistual in Anas, etc. 450
Chapter CLXXXI The Nidanam of poisons 451
Chapter CLXXXII The Nidanam of Goitre scrofula and glandular swellings 452
Chapter CLXXXIII The Nidanam of Vomiting 454
Chapter CLXXXIV The Nidanam of Urticaria 456
Chapter CLXXXV The Nidanam of Sula neuralgic pain etc 459
Chapter CLXXXVI The Nidanam of aphonia 462
Chapter CLXXXVII The Nidanam of Udavarta 463
Chapter CLXXXVIII The Nidanam of traumatic ulcers etc 464
CLXXXIX The Nidanam of Sarira Vranas (idiopathic ulcers) 465
Chapter CXC The Nidanam of fractures 467
Chapter CXCI Medicinal recipes of inffalible effcacies 469
Chapter CXCII Medical treatment of fever etc 471
Chapter CXCIII Medical treatments of Sinus etc 474
Chapter CXCIV Visnu Kavacha 475
Chapter CXCV Fulfilment of deceses in senenvisgod's 478
Chapter CXCVI Visnudhara 479
Chapter CXCVII Various medicinal compounds disclosed by Hari to Garuda 480
Chapter CXCVIII Eulogy of Tripura 484
Chapter CXCIX The syantwdhava 485
Chapter CC The same continued 488
Chapter CCI The same continued 489
Chapter CCII The same continued 492
Chapter CCIII The same continued 494
Chapter CCIV The same continued 495
Chapter CCV Grammar 501
Chapter CCVI Grammar 504
Chapter CCVII Prosody 506
Chapter CCVIII Prosody 506
Chapter CCIX Prosody 508
Chapter CCX The same continued 511
Chapter CCXI Prosody 512
Chapter CCXII Prosody 512
Chapter CCXIII Dharmashatra 513
Chapter CCXIV Dharmashastra 525
Chapter CCXV Dharmashatra 528
Chapter CCXVI Dharmashatra 531
Chapter CCXVII Dharmashatra 531
Chapter CCXVIII Dharmashatra 533
Chapter CCXIX Dharmashatra 539
Chapter CCXX Dharmashatra 541
Chapter CCXXI Dharmashatra 543
Chapter CCXXII The Prayaschittas 545
Chapter CCXXIII Yuga Dharma 551
Chapter CCXXIV Dissolution 554
Chapter CCXXV Result of Karma 555
Chapter CCXXVI Yoga 558
Chapter CCXXVII Yoga 562
Chapter CCXXVIII Devotion to Visnu 565
Chapter CCXXIX Devotion to Visnu 566
Chapter CCXXX Devotion to Visnu 567
Chapter CCXXXI Hymn to Narasingh 571
Chapter CCXXXII Meditation to God 574
Chapter CCXXXIII Mrtyavastaka Hymn 576
Chapter CCXXXIV Chakradhara Hymn 577
Chapter CCXXXV Vedanta and Samhkya knowledge of Brahman 582
Chapter CCXXXVI Vedanta and Samhkya 586
Chapter CCXXXVII Essence of Gita 588
Chapter CCXXXVIII Essence of Gita 589
Chapter CCXXXIX Brahma Gita 591
Chapter CCXL The eight essentials of Yoga etc,. the merit that may be acquired by hearing the narration of the Garuda Puranam etc. 593
1 Garuda's query 655
2 Results of actions 660
3 Description of Hell 666
4 Pre-death and post-death rites 672
5 Annual rites for the deceased 684
6 The glory of Vrsotsarga 693
7 The story of five ghosts 703
8 Person authorised to perform obsequies 709
9 The king authorised to perform rites 711
10 The Gratifying Nature of Sraddha 716
11 Doors for Departure 722
12 Importance of Dharma 723
13 Obsequial Rites 725
14 Merits of Gifts 727
15 Observances immediate after Death 731
16 Life after Death 738
17 Glory of Sravanas 741
18 Life after Death 743
19 Ghosts and their Release 746
20 Functions of the Departed soul 748
21 Ghosts and Their Release 751
22 On attaining Ghosthood 753
23 On Ghosthood 759
24 Sins of Omission and Commission Premature death of Children; Gifts 760
25 On sons and grandsons 763
26 On the rite of uniting the dead with the deceased ancestors 766
27 Episode of King Babhruvhana 771
28 Gifts for the Ghost 776
29 Rites after death 778
30 On bestowing Gifts 781
31 On bestowing Gifts 784
32 The Origin of life 787
33 The world of Yama 796
34 Results of Virtue and Sin 898
35 Rites of Sapindikarana and Sraddha 808
36 On fast and pilgrimage 811
37 Gift of a Vessel filled with water 814
38 On Salvation Heaven Gifts, Pilgrimage and good deeds 815
39 Rules of impurity 818
40 On accidental death 819
41 Releasing the Bull(Vrsotsarga) 824
42 On bestowing gifts 825
43 On performing a Sraddha 826
44 On accidental death 827
45 The mode of annual Sraddha 829
46 Results of activity 831
47 On Sins and Vaitarani 834
48 On Dharma and Adharma 837
49 Method of Final Release 842
Brahma (Moksa) Kharda
1 Classification of the Puranas. The Nature of Deities 855
2 Puranic Trinity: Brahma, Visnu, Siva: Their respective roles 863
3 Creation of the universe: Variation due to Equilibrium 869
4 Gunas and their nature: Imbalance and Equilibrium 874
5 Deities and their relative status 878
6 Deities and their relative status 882
7 Praise of Lord Visnu by deities and sages 888
8 Praise of Lord Visnu by deities and sages 895
9 Nature of deities and the serial order of their position 896
10 Creation primary and secondary 898
11 Causes of Ignorance 902
12 Praise of Visnu by Brahma 905
13 Creation of deities after dissolution 913
14 Nature and form of Visnu and benefits of Vaisvadeva 916
15 Incarnations of Visnu 920
16 Incarnations of Mahalaksmi 923
17 Forms of Bharati in different births 929
18 Incarnations of Rudra and after 932
19 The Episode of Nila 939
20 The Episode of Bhadra 945
21 The Episode of Kalindi 950
22 The Episode of Laksmana 953
23 The Episode of Jambavati 959
24 The glory of Venkatacala and lord Srinivasa 964
25 Glory of Venkatesa and the method of worship 975
26 On the mountain Venkata Svamipuskarni and the deities residing there 980
27 Visit to places of pilgrimage 990
28 Anecdotes of the glory of Visnu 993
29 On unfolding the mystery and secret of Reality 1006




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