The survival and sustenance of human life and all activities on this earth mainly depends on financial prosperity. A vast majority of us think o. a. about and act as per financial considerations. In 21st millennium. more, is God and God is money. A high financial status automatically brings power, glory, authority, comforts & friends and covers most of the short comings. People without money lead a life of sufferings & penury unsung, unwept & unhonoured in life as well as in death.
People’s curiosity and inquisitiveness grow more and more in the quest for future financial status & life style. This brings in the necessity of divine astrological consultations which help a native to decide why, what, where and how one should act to get the best as per one’s past karmas & present serious efforts. Selection of an auspicious time to start a work and resort to remedial measures when things are not moving as expected are core considerations for any business.
The profession of a native is intimately related to one’s chances and degree of success in acquiring riches & wealth. The number and type of professions are far too many to be counted. The profession is a mean to achieve prosperity, but these days the end results justify the means. More and more people earn riches through dubious means passing through the phenomenon of ups & downs, rags to riches and riches to rags. Hence various professions along with these phenomenon’s have been discussed in detail with illustrations.
The author is a mining engineer from “Indian School of Mines” now known as IIT Dhanbad. He has put in 28 years of service in the Army as an Engineers’ officer. He is a Jyotish Acharya from Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan. For a long time, he has been pursuing astrological studies as a keen student. His researches reflect his analytical approach to go into the details as an engineer and then he put them across frankly as an Army officer.
The author has earlier written books on “Longevity”, “Prashna: A Vedic Approach”, “Vargas: AVedic Approach”, “Charisma of Trika Houses” and “Astro-Remedies: A Vedic Approach” which have been received well by the astrological fraternity.
Lord Krishna in the gita says-
‘Wane can ever rest for even an instant without performing any action. For every one is made to act helplessly hidee4 by the Gunas of Nature.”
This is His worldly wisdom & advice. We all are, by our very nature, by just being alive, bound to work. The work is life. To be alive is to be working. However an inquisitive native is always curious to know why does a man work, what does he work, when does he work, where does he work and how does he work. The answers to the questions of why, what, when, where and how are the subject matters of this book. AU these are intimately related to native’s finance. These very important & pertinent questions can be explained with the help of astrology.
The Why- Each action of ours is controlled by planetary configuration in cosmos and disturbances there in. It induces a native to do or inclined to do a particular work. His actions fructify in a matching Dasha supported by appropriate transit of relevant planets and lead to improve his finances through a profession.
The What- The next is what a native does. Planets as lords of various houses in a chart signify and rules over various types of works. In astrology, 10th house/lord from Lagna, Moon, Arudh Lagna, Navamsha/ Dasamsa normally indicates what a native would do. However these days the world has shrunk and communications have improved so rapidly, that a native has number & types & professions multiplied many times over what was available only a few decades back. These conditions force us to modernize the planetary indications as well. In this study Mars, being ruler of energy, vitality logic, management, initiation & science and Saturn, being ruler of 10th & 11th houses of Karma & gains and a just, unbiased & judicious controller of all past/ present Karmas play significant roles. Jupiter; the planet of wealth, decides the extent to which one’s finances are affected. However there are specific celestial laws which bestow wealth & riches to the native. Wealth is attributed to 2d & 11th houses. While the 5th & 9th houses signify speculation & fortune and Lagna & 10th house denote self & Karmas among lords of these houses insinuate the possible sources for acquiring wealth & riches.
The When- The next question is when a native would do a particular work. Our seers have explained it by Karma theory. Each Karma gets done when impelled by the appropriate Dasha system and transit of relevant planets. For this we generally follow Vimshotri Dasha system due to its universal acceptance. It is this timer which allows planets to cause/ allow an act to be performed. To ensure desired results! Success, one looks for divine support through an auspicious Muhurat to commence any specific work, in this competitive world. A selection of right and opportune time is like seeking the mandate in reaching out to favourable consequences. We are living in an environment of vibratory energies emanating from celestial bodies which regulates the cycle of creation, development and destruction. The assimilation of this concept is Muhurat.
The Where- A native is always curious to know where (direction) or how far will be his place of work. Again astrology with the help of ruling planets! house lords provides the answer. Each planet rules over a particular direction and house/ lords of 3rd, 4th, 7th, 9th and l2” decides how far and how frequently one will go in connection with his profession.
The How- Lastly one wants to know how long or with what degree of success/ recognition one would do a work. To understand this one must agree with the theories of past Karmas and of “cause & effect”. Astrology delineates the Karmic tendencies of a native with a cause and effect relation. The degree, type & length of success of a native are the effects of causes that have already taken place previously or in past lives. This also is indicated by planetary configuration in the native’s birth chart which on a number of occasions, produce adverse/contrary results. This brings us to the need to follow preventive curative remedies. The remedies are basically prayers to almighty to bail one out of difficult situations. The remedies as part of Kiryamaan/Prarabdha Karma, create positive energies to counter the negative forces produced by adverse planetary positions and thus modifies the net results according to their respective strength.
The Aim- Astrology can easily tell the present, past, future, latent potentialities, talents in native and great maladies which may strike in future. The aim of writing this book is to bring out relevant positive astrological guidance to accumulate riches and administer finances through native’s profession or otherwise by matching his capabilities & desires as Indicated by the planetary configuration shown in his birth chart.
The author does not claim originality of ideas. In fact I have borrowed the ideas, principles & explanations of some of the great savants of astrology. I am grateful and obliged to them for the same. The principles and concepts are all old, the difference lies in their presentation with illustrations. I do hope that this book in its present shape will be of some use to serious & inquisitive students of astrology.
The author is thankful to Mr. Narendra Sagar for his suggestion to write this book arid extra efforts to get published on a fast track. I am also thankful to Mr. Krishna Kumar for his valuable suggestions and to my grand-daughters- Monil & Ishita Singhal for their constant Inspiration.
The author welcomes with open heart & hands, any suggestions for its improvement.
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