Stephen Phillips graduated in theoretical physics in 1 968 from the University of Cambridge, England. Studying at the University of Cape Town with Professor W.G. Frahn, South Africa’s leading nuclear physicist, he took his M.Sc. degree in theoretical physics in 1971, gaining the university’s premier research scholarship. He then earned his Ph.D. at the University of California, where he also taught mathematics and physics. In 1979 one of his scientific papers was published, proposing a theory that unified particle interactions and predicted that quarks are not fundamental (as most physicists currently believe) but are composed of three more basic particles (‘subquarks’) which may have been recently detected at Fermilab, the high-energy physics laboratory near Chicago in America.
Phillips is the author of Extra-sensory Perception of Quarks [[PH: USA, 1980), which related Annie Besant’s and C.W. Lead beater’s clairvoyant observations of such subatomic particles (as well as quarks) to particle physics. His book ESP of Quarks and Superstrings, which extends this earlier work, will be published in 1997 by New Age International Publishers. He has lectured on his research at the Cavendish Laboratory of Cambridge University, to the Society for Psychical Research, to the Theosophical Society and at the 1996 Summer School of the Dharma Centre of Canada, a Buddhist meditational retreat outside toronto, Canada. His work has appeared in several academic journals, popular magazines and newspapers. He is currently collaborating with a Buddhist clairvoyant to investigate shadow matter particles and the higher-dimensional, superstring structure of subquarks and electrons.
The clairvoyant investigations into the structure of mailer carried out a century ago by Annie Besant (1847-1 933) and C.W. Lead beater (1 847-1 934), employing one of the eight yogic Siddhis referred to in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali as Anima’, were for long a great puzzle. It did not appear possible to reconcile their paranormal observations with the description of the atomic structure unfolding with the rapid progress of modern science since the turn of the century. The Besant-Lead beater findings therefore remained buried in various libraries around the world for almost eighty years. It was Dr Stephen M. Phillips, a qualified ‘theoretical physicist’ (MA from Cambridge University, UK, and Ph.D. from the University of California, Los Angeles), who during the late seventies first carried out a detailed analysis of the Besant-Lead beater studies and provided a lucid explanation and reinterpretation of their clairvoyant observations, reconciling them with present-day physics. Although Phillips’ initial analysis was first published in 1980 in the form of a book entitled Extra-sensory Perception of Quarks, it was not widely known either amongst Theosophists or in scientific circles.
Those of us who have had the opportunity to scrutinize both the original observations as recorded by Besant and Lead beater in their exhaustive treatise entitled Occult Chemistry (1st edn. 1908) and the remarkable interpretation of the same in terms of the most up-to-date concepts of contemporary particle physics such as the ‘Superstring Theory’ of Dr Stephen Phillips, cannot but be overawed by the minuteness and depth to which Besant and Lead beater appear to have been able to delve into the intricacies of the structure of matter. The superb and scholarly analysis of these ‘micro-psi’ observations carried out by Dr Phillips has led to the conclusion that the ‘Ultimate Physical Atom’ (UPA) observed by these investigators and considered as the smallest unit of matter, is actually a ‘subquark’ whose existence modern physics has yet to acknowledge. Dr Phillips was so fascinated by the ‘Occult Chemistry’ work of Besant and Lead beater when he first came across it while still a student that since then he has devoted his entire professional life spanning over two decades to an in-depth study of the subject. Were it not for his devoted and painstaking labour, the Besant-Lead beater findings would have remained lost to the world.
The scientific world celebrated 1995-6 as the centenary of the discovery of electrons, X-rays and radioactivity which is identified with the origin of Atomic Physics. Coincidentally, 1995 is also the centenary of the first observation and systematic recording by Besant and Lead beater of the detailed structure of the atoms of all elements down to the quark and even subquark level. These investigators are credited with having revealed the existence of isotopes as early as 1908, five years before their ‘official discovery’ by Science in 1912. It is almost as it they had decided to record for posterity the ultimate structure of the nuclei of each and every one of the 92 naturally occurring elements and their isotopes, down to their smallest building block, namely the subquark, just as the foundation of nuclear physics was beginning to be laid!
It is therefore most appropriate that a century after the first publication of such studies by Besant and Lead beater in 1895, the Theosophical Publishing House should bring out this low-priced monograph for the benefit of the inquisitive student and the scientifically minded reader with a view to introducing them to this fascinating topic and kindling their curiosity for further research into this subject. For a more comprehensive coverage of this topic the interested reader is referred to Dr Stephen Phillips’ scholarly new book entitled ESP of Quarks and Superstrings, expected to be released shortly.
problem facing general acceptance of paranormal phenomena by scientists is that, as many of them believe psychic abilities to violate well-established laws of nature or to contradict presuppositions of science, those who are more sceptical will always find it easier to doubt the honesty of the researcher reporting such controversial phenomena than to accept what seems incontestable evidence for their occurrence. What, however, if a psychic had claimed to see objects so small that science then neither knew anything about them nor possessed the technological capability to study these things? Suppose that science later verified too many of his observations to make it plausible that his success in describing the objects was due only to chance? Whether sufficiently rigorous protocols were applied, whether the psychic cheated or whether the researcher himself might have fabricated his data would no longer be pertinent issues for believers and disbelievers in the paranormal to argue about because the lack of scientific information at the time about the things the psychic claimed to see would have made cheating by anyone impossible in principle.
Demonstrating knowledge of some super sensory aspect of the world that is confirmed by advances in science many years later is, arguably, the most convincing type of ESP because this circumstance permits the sceptic no room for doubt or rational explanation if the correlations between scientific facts and the psychic’s observations are so numerous and precise as to make the possibility of lucky guessing improbable in the extreme. This paper will examine a rare example of such ESP in which ostensible, paranormal descriptions of atoms and subatomic particles published a century ago have turned out to be confirmed by facts of nuclear and particle physics.
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