Shri R. K. Mishra is am Electrical Engineer by profession but he has chosen to write on The Divine Science . His book covers many things. Apart from brief comments on relativity and Einstein, he mostly about the Upanishads, the Bhagwadgita and the interpretations by Shri Aurobindo and various others seers. I have some limited exposure to the Gita but I am not very familiar with Upanishadic literature. It appears that Shri Mishra wants to discuss Science and religion. To begin with, one must distinguish between the theoretical core of a religion and its practice by those who subscribe to it. This core is not the same for all religions and, in fact, is not easy to define. For example, Islam is monotheistic while Hinduism is more layered and multifaceted. Modern physics and biology has advanced to an extent when the idea of an external God is rather difficult to accommodate. We have it on the authority of Mr. Einstein that he believed (at least, at that in 1920's) in the philosophy of Spinoza. As I understand him, and philosophy is close to the famous description in the Gita.
'He who sees My everywhere and sees everything in Me'. (My free translation).
This kind of doctrine which identifies God with the Universe taken together is close in spirit to the thinking of scientists. Scientists seldom refer to God in their formal presentations; they call it Nature. Modern cosmology deals with the Universe as it is on a gross scale but it is not yet linked to microcosm. A Theory of Everything is not yet in place. But we can speculate. If the universe is reasonably homogeneous not just on the large scale, but also, in some sense, on the short scale (and this is pure speculation) and consists of some basic entities, then the monistic doctrines of the Bhagwad Gita and Spinoza may have a physical model to identify itself with. I should add, however, that religion is less a matter of logic that a matter of faith and the world is full of people for whom faith is above logic.
The learned readers of this foreword will I hope, forgive me for my views which are more or less divorced from the main text. The author, Shri Mishra of the main text deserves to be encouraged for writing a book which can be profitably read by many people. I hope it will stimulate dear readers to think about these things.
About the Author
The author of book "The Divine Science" Sri R.K. Mishra is an Electrical Engineer by profession and a retired Chief Engineer of Bihar State Electricity Board. He retired in April 2003. It appears after retirement, he got free time and the treasure of knowledge which was hidden in his soul and mind, all flown out, gushing from a simple stream to the vast panorama of this Universe. The author's contention is that this Universe being the play of the forces, is the culmination of two types of, forces, the one 'Divine' and the other 'Material'. Whereas the 'Divine Forces' are not in the catch of human science, the Material Forces are. The examples of Divine forces are Concious-Force, Mind-Force, Life-Force, Pranic Force. The Divine Forces are so subtler in nature that perhaps it shall always remain a subject matter of scientific stories. However when these divine forces, descend to the cruder stag the human science catches it.
Both the Forces, Divine as well as Material in time and space are coming into the realm of Nature, and the One which is the Absolute The Almighty is above Nature and as such, timeless and spaceless. To describe about the descendance of the Almighty from a timeless and spaceless status to in time and space, he has taken the help of Upanishadic Explanations where in is the description how the Almighty is involving Himself into the Evolution through which the spirit is involuting into Matter. It is a vast and extreme process too great to be expressed in words.
The authors contention is that this supreme kind of knowledge, which is almost hidden and out of the sight of the common people must come to the fore for the benifit to the masses. "The Divine Science" is an effort in that direction.
Form the Jacket
The author of the book "The Divine Science" Sri R. K. Mishra is an Electrical Engineer of Bihar State Electricity Board. He reitred in April 2003, It appears after retirement, he got free time and the treasure of knowledge which was hidden in his soul and mind, all flown out, gushing from a simple stream to vast panorama of this Universe. The author contention is that this Universe being the play of the forces, is the culmination of two type of, forces, the one Divine and the other Material'. Whereas the Devine Forces are not in the catch of human science the Material Forces are. The example of Divine forces are Concious-Force, Mind-Force, Life-Force, Pranic Force. The Divine Forces are so subtler in nature that perhaps it shall always remain a subject matter of scientific stories. However when these divine forces, descend to the cruder stage that the human science catches it.
Both the Forces, Divine as well as Material in time and space are coming into the realm of Nature, and the One which is the Absolute The Almighty is above Nature and as such, timeless and spaceless. To describe about the descendance of the Almighty from a timeless and spaceless status to in time and space, he has taken the help of Upanishadic Explanations where in is the description how the Almighty is involving Himself into the Evolution through a process known as the "Energism of Conciousness" through which the spirit is involuting into Matter. It is a vast and extreme process too great to be expressed in words.
The author contention is that his supreme kind of knowledge, which is almost hidden and out of the sight of the common people must come to the fore for the benefit to the masses. The Divine Science is an effort in that direction.
Born: At Village: Baghakole Tetaria, P.O. Salempur, Dist: Bhojpur Date of Birth 8/4/1945 Father is name Late Shri Gadadhar Mishra Rtd. Joint Register Co-operative Societies Govt. of Bihar, Patna Education: B.Sc. Elect. Engg. From B.I.T. Sindri, Dhanbad (Bihar) in 1967.
Possessed of the inherent idea of the reason behind existence, wrote the book, 'The Divine Science'.
In order to understand human life, as a spark of the Absolute/Almighty, thrown out and reabsorbed, I had to go through the experiences and knowledge discovered as a consummation of thoughts and discoveries of truths searched out for more than two thousand and five hundred years by the sages and the great-men of ancient and modern India, in an effort to bring down the truths and the real facts involved in this process of Evolution.
We are passing through two types of Sciences, one discovered by the mankind, its truth tested, established, processed and brought to the use of mankind, the fruits of which we are enjoying: the other the Super-Science, working under the Divine Laws and influencing our life constantly. (Here in this writing, we shall be addressing 'man' for male and female both. Similarly 'he' for 'he and she' both). Before we proceed with the description of The Divine Science i.e. The Super-Science it will be necessary to discuss certain questions involved in the existence of human beings. Ever since the inception of humanity man has remained tangled in the problem of his existence. So the curiosity 'what is the riddle of his existence' This led him further to the curiosity, 'what is the riddle of existence of this world and the Universe at large'. A man opens his eyes into this world on 'birth' and closes it on 'death'. During the time only this visible world is before him. The rest are in dark. Nor the world before birth is clear to him nor the world after death. To rescue him from this trance God appears, but then 'HE is not visible, only 'HIS' Existence and Effects are being felt. Yet again the are such things that nothing can be said with surety. Some may believe it, some may not. We know about the man's creation but we do not know much about the God's creation. But it is not possible for us to deny that we are living in the world created by the Lord. The Divine Science is the description under which the Lord is operating and influencing our life. It is often said that the knowledge of this Supreme, the Almighty God is 'Otiose' - i.e. of no practical purpose, yet no individual is living without It. 'God' is kept remembered by man as the ultimate Reality. When everything fails in a man's life he rushes towards God. Even the strongest non-believer of God, an atheist, has been seen turning 'theist' in hours of his crisis. My purpose is to bring this otiose knowledge to use. This is affecting our life, therefore, we must try to understand it. For this we shall go into many curiosities, many questions involved in the existence of the mankind.
Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru wrote in 'The Discovery of India' - 'I do not know if there is a God or not, but as there is a godlike in man, so there is a devil like in him'. Yet again he wrote 'an individual soul is like a spark thrown out ;and then reabsorbed by the absolute blazing one.'
In search of God different cult and religions developed in this world. Some gave HIM different names and forms, some said HE is Formless - Nirakar. Some believed there is no life after death, some believed there is life even after death. Under different believes, some burried the dead body, some burnt it. It is said, people having attachment with the physical body, burried it. Hindus believed in burning the same under a firm belief that it is the physical body only which dies and not the soul and the spirit of the man'. There is no birth and death of the soul and the spirit. Only that dies which has a birth. The one which has no birth, has also no death. Hindus believed in rebirth under the philosophy that the soul wanders in this world by assuming new physical body and mind. As a man changes clothes, so the soul changes physical body.
Yet again, is the querry about increase and decrease of the population in view of the 'rebirth'. The question of , Sin' and 'Virtue' also does not agitate less to the human mind, more so when he sees that a sinful man is being rewarded and is healthy, wealthy and happy than a virtuous man. He finds a virtuous man suffering whereas a sinful man enjoying. People say that if a sinful man is enjoying, it is because he had done good deeds in his past lives and therefore he is being rewarded in this life, as the store of his virtuous deeds are more and he will continue to enjoy against the same till it is exhausted against his sinful acts. After that he will get what is in his store, if good, then good, if bad, then bad. But such arguments do not appeal to our intellectual mind. Further it is said, we are sons and daughters of the Almighty God, but how we are sons & daughters of the God, in general, we do not know.; What. we know is that we are sons and daughters of our parents. Further above all the most agitating ques .ion is, what is our destination after death ? Does everything finishes after death here or there is a life even after this death ?
Apart from above we also find often during our life time that whatever actions, an individual man performed during his life time, has been contradicted at the end. A man may say that all actions performed by him during his life time was all 'useless', then what is the 'useful' action? History also repeats such things. Ashoka - the Great during Kalinga war felt that his actions of killing so many men was a 'useless' action and he turned towards Non-Violence and became Budhist. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru also spoke / wrote somewhere that whatever actions he did throughout his life all appeared 'useless'. Even in our daily life we hear from aged and elderly man that whatever he did during his life time, was all useless. All these show that we are unable to differentiate between our actions and its proper direction. Yet we are victim of circumstances and the actions are performed, may be it is right or wrong, as compelled by the environment. The circumstances are compelling us, and we are caught in the web. The most enlightened man says, get yourself liberated - then why this bondage and why this liberation from life and the Earthly existence? If it is not worthwhile why at all the Almighty created it ? Is 'liberation' of any consequence? There is no end of such questions and curiosities and the man is bewildered and astonished to know - what is the purpose of life on this Earth? Is it to possess and enjoy or there is some hidden delight the man is in search of ? The questions are manifold and to know the answers we shall have to go through' The Super - Science i.e. The Divine Science.
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