A Darker Dawn takes us to Amrapur, a small town in Maharashtra, and into the lives of four twelve-year-olds, Dev, Avi, Anita and Jeet, who together face the traumas, tribulations and joys of their childhood. However, Amrapur is prey to communal frenzy, which leads to a parting of the four friends, who now share a terrible secret and leave Amrapur for the world outside, transforming themselves in the process. They return twenty years later, summoned back to their past by a blackmailer. They need to know who has discovered their secret.
Rohit Gore grew up in a number of towns in India. At various times in his childhood, he wanted to be a theatre actor, an architect and a bookshop owner. After his engineering degree, he was based in Mumbai. An MBA from SP Jain Institute followed and since then he is in the IT industry. His greatest passion is reading and this is what inspired him to write. He is a frequent contributor to many online writing forums and often wishes that there were more writing groups. Rohit currently lives in Pune, a wonderfully vibrant city, with his wife. He has a keen interest in history, especially the history of music and arts. One of the things he would like to get better at is photography.
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