Brahmavinnidhi, a work composed in Sanskrit by Adhi Venkata Yogi in 33 chapters rendering morethan 1000 stanzas in different metres has dwelt on the qualities of a Jeevan to live his life through the different tenets in attaining the state of Brahman. The author has further elaborated on the different states of a Jeevan go through in his life to attain the state of Brahman. The entire treatise is based on the Guru-Sishya (Master- Stu dent) dialogue form wherein the Guru explains each and every aspect to the Sishya and the Sishya derives knowledge by requesting the Master to remove the doubts arising out of his ignorance. The work also explains the qualities of a Guru and the duties of a Sishya in an inimitable manner and put the entire subject of the work as a lesson to the Sishya (Student) to learn from the Master. Eloquently quoting from the Puranas, Ithihasas, Bhagavat Gita and different philosophies, the work can be classified as a compendium of values narrated in different philosophies and try to explain the importance of each and every aspect in an unique manner. A reading of the text itself will provide an ample evidence of the extensive knowledge the author has possessed on different schools of thought and also on different forms of attaining the state of Brahmani Moksha (The Salvation). Born in the State of present day Andra Pradesh, in the Bhradwaja Gotra, the author had his traditional studies from one Swayam Prakasa Yati. From the historial evidence, the period of living of the author is stated to be in 1700-1800 AD. Throughout the work, the author shower praise on his Guru who had be-stowed to him the knowledge on different Sastras, but for which he would not have written this work. The author has traversed through the present State of Tamil Nadu,. he explains the natural atmosphere by quoting the rivers like Kaveri, Vegavathi, Tamrapami and also about the state of living of the Brahmins in the established Agraharams in South India. The author wasstated to be the contemporary of Balakrishna Sanswati who had authored the Siddhantha Siddhanjana Saram. The author, though belong to Advaitin school of thought has taken the subject to narrate the different facets of achieving mukti by drawing upon quotes from different school of thought and has explained the state of Vishnu and Siva as one. The work cannot be categorised as one belonging to single school of thought as it brings into focus the good values from all sources. Thus, the work is to be categorised as a philosophical text. Before going into the text and explain the significance of the work, it would be appropriate to explain the reason for taking up the work for editing and providing the essence of the slokas (chapter wise) in Sanskrit. I had chanced upon the work in the Manu-script libraries in Madras University and subsequently at Theo-sophical Society Library, Adyar, Chennai. The manuscript avail-able was complete, though at odd places due to the decay over the years text has become a little difficult to read and understand. Having gone through the work, I took upon the task to make an effort to edit and publish the work to enlighten the present world about the qualities enshriaed in the traditional fomi of living and also path to achieve Salvation. With 3 manuscripts available on the same work, the task became more complicated and finally the text was edited and brought into a complete work. The author has based his work as Brahmavinnidhi - meaning the various requirements / steps in attaining moksha. The topics discussed in this book are the Jeevatma, in its life has different states, Jeevan Mukta,Jeeva Swarumpam,Jeeva Deha Nirupanam, Yama Niyama Pratyahara Samadhim, Difference between state of Sleep and Death etc. The chapters have been categorised into different stages and brings out the imponance of each subject in totality. Some of the significant aspects narrated through the slokas in the work are the importance of chanting Mantras, Meditation, Yoga Sastra, Pranayama,Bhakti Sadanam, Indriya Avastha, Dyanam. Not restricting his treatise to single school of thought, the author try to bring about a transformation in the minds of people by compiling the values from various texts. The author try to quote elaborately from Vyasa, Kapila, Parikshit, Suka, etc. In explaining the significance of the Mantras, the author narrates the various level of attainment in chanting of Ashtaksharam, Pranavam, Shadakshram etc. Similarly, in the Yoga Sastra, the author explains the significance of different Yogas like khechari Mudhra,Sambavi Mudhra, Gyana Mudhra, Mouna Mudhra etc. Again in the Pranayama form,the author states the importance of Rechaka, Kumbaka and Pooraka form of Pranayama. The author also explains the Kundalini Yoga through its different stages uptil the Sushumna Nadi. The thought level of the author indicate he had mastered different Sastras like Yoga, Alankara, Vedanta, etc. Not basing his work on any single route, the author has tried to give the reader an enduring knowledge indifferent routes to attain Mukthi. Thus the work provides an unique opportunity to learn the different state of a jeeva's path in attaining Moksha.TheJeeva would gain atleast solace from grief and sorrow through practising the Yoga, Mantra, Pranayama etc. and live a comfortable and peaceful life. In this publication, the essence of each chapter has been brought out in a simple and readable form to enable the readers to focus their attention on their area of interest. The mere reading of the text would give the readers an opportunity to understand the significance of the various tenets of philosophical teachings and take them to the path of practising their remaining life in achieving salvation through the route of Mantra, Japa, Yoga, Pranayama. Concluding the work, the author has explained that the entire rendering is a Upadesa (preachings) to a Sishya from the Guru. I hope the readers would take queue from the above and take advantage of the teachings contained in the book. I earnestly place what little I have done through the essence on each chapter before the readers to understand the high values brought forward by the author. I also sincerely hope that this publication would enbale the readers to attempt an enlarged commentary on the work. At the outset, I take this opportunity to acknowledge my sincere gratitude to the staff of the Adyar Library and Government Oriental Manuscript Library,Chennai for rendering their extensive support in publishingthis unique treasure of Shri Adivenkata Yogi.
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