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Bhagavad Gita : The Songs of God

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Item Code: UAC688
Publisher: Tranquebar Press (Westland Books)
Author: Swami Mukundananda
Language: Sanskrit Text with English Translation
Edition: 2021
ISBN: 9789391234140
Pages: 882
Other Details 9.50 X 6.50 inch
Weight 1.13 kg
Book Description
About The Book

When we understand that the effort is in our hands, not the results, we then concern ourselves only with doing our duty, Since the results are for the pleasure of God, we dedicate them to Him. Now, if the results are not to our expectations, we calmly accept them as the will of God. In this way, we are able to accept fame and infamy, success and failure, pleasure and pain, as God's will. When we learn to embrace both equally, we develop the equanimity that Shree Krishna talks about.

This verse offers a very practical solution to the vicissitudes of life. If we are sailing in the ocean in a boat, it is natural to expect the waves of the ocean to shake it. If we get disturbed each time a wave rocks the boat, our miseries would be endless. And if we do not expect the waves to rise, we would be expecting the ocean to be something other than its natural self. Waves are an inseparable phenomenon of the ocean.

Similarly, as we wade through the ocean of life, it throws up all kinds of waves that are beyond our control. It we keep struggling to eliminate negative situations, we will be unable to avoid unhappiness. But if we can learn to accept everything that comes our way without sacrificing our best efforts, we will have surrendered to the wall of God and that will be true Yog.

About The Author

Swami Mukundananda is an erudite scholar of the ancient Vedic scriptures, a world-renowned teacher of spirituality and a bestselling author. His purpose is to share the finest gems of realised wisdom accrued from a lifetime of purity, dedication and surrender. In his writings, he quotes liberally from all the major Indian sacred texts and the Eastern and Western systems of philosophy. Swamiji grew up in India and earned his degrees from the prestigious IIT-Delhi and IIM-Calcutta. Responding to the call of God, he renounced a promising corporate career to accept monkhood. He studied the sacred texts at the feet of Jagadguru Shree Kripalu Maharaj, the fifth original Jagadguru in history.

Swamiji's dissertations are humorous, his arguments are logical and well laid-out, and his advice is practical. He has authored many bestsellers. His lectures on YouTube and other social media platforms are loved and followed by millions. Swamiji divides his time between India and the US.


prathamam sadgurum vande shri krishna tadanantaram guruh papatmanam trata shri krishnastvamalatmanam

mukundananda prapannoham guru padaravindayoh tasya preranaya tasya divyadesham vadamyaham

'I first offer my respectful obeisance to my Gurudev, Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj, and then to the Supreme Lord Shree Krishna. While Shree Krishna embraces the pure-hearted, my Gurudev is so merciful that he offers shelter even to the spiritually destitute. This insignificant inconsequential soul, who goes by the name of Mukundananda in the world, is surrendering at the lotus feet of his Spiritual Master. With his Guru's permission, inspiration, and grace, he is humbly going to elucidate on spiritual topics.'

vande vrindavananandam radhikam parameshvarim gopikam paramam shaddham hladinim shakti rupinim.

'I offer my respectful obeisance to Radha Rani, the Supreme Goddess

and the bliss-giving power of God. She is the purest of the gopis and embodies the bliss of Vrindavan.'

kada drakshyami nandasya balakam nipamalakam palakam sarva sattvanam lasattilaka bhalakam

'When will my eyes see the wonderful form of the Supreme Lord Shree Krishna who appeared on this earth as the son of Nand? He is adorned with a flower garland around His neck and the holy tilak mark on His forehead; He is the protector of virtuous people.'

ajata paksha iva mataram khagah satanyam yatha vatsataraḥ kshudhartah priyam priyeva vyuşhitam vishanna manoravindaksha didrikshate tvam

'O Lord! As a baby bird yearns for its mother, as a famished infant longs to suckle the mother's breast, and as a lover craves for the beloved, may my mind always long for Your divine vision.'

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