This book will put you back in balance and show you what is good for you. It is intended for every- one, at all stages of life, in both good and difficult times. It is a book that should be read many times, so that at any given moment you can turn to it and find the answers you are looking for.
Once you have read the book, you might feel that you want to take some of the remedies - or you might not. But you will know that there is hope and there is an answer.
The understanding you gain about yourself while reading this book, and the knowledge that other people in the world have stories similar to yours, will have a comforting, motivating and healing effect on you. And, for Bach practitioners, this book will enrich your existing practice
with clients, removing all of your doubts about choosing the right remedies.
Ana Klikovac PhD is a certified homeopath and a registered practitioner for Bach flower remedies (BFRP). She completed the programme of classical and French homeopathy in Zagreb. She is a faculty member at 'The Other Song' International Academy of Advanced Homeopathy, in India, where she also completed her clinical practice and professional development, and specialised in working according to the Sensation Method and the 8-Box Method of homeopathy. She completed her education on Bach flower remedies at The Bach Centre in England, where she also completed a teacher programme, thus becoming the first certified Level 1 and Level 2 teacher in Croatia.
She is the owner of the company Annah d.o.o. for homeopathy and support of health, where she provides counselling and education in the field of natural healing methods. She is also the owner of the company ASHUH j.d.o.o., whose primary activity is aimed at promoting homeopathy, organising international seminars and other international projects.
She lives and works in Zagreb.
I have been deeply touched by the contents of this book that you are holding in your hands, and even more so by my personal friendship with Ana Klikovac.
Ana came into my life through a series of events related to the late, great Dr. Wayne Dyer.
Some of you may be familiar with my story of dealing with an advanced cancer, which took me to death's door and beyond. I had a near-death experience (NDE) in 2006. I had been very sick with cancer and had tumors throughout my lymphatic system. I went into a coma and my family were called for because the doctors didn't expect me to survive very long.
But while my body was close to death, I was very much alive. I felt myself as separate from my body, and it felt like I continued to exist, as a spirit, or soul. At one point I felt my- self expand so much that in fact I felt myself to be the whole universe as a state of consciousness. Among many things I felt and understood during this experience, one thing was immediately relevant to my life.
I understood that cancer in my body was a manifestation of my own energy that had turned inwards on itself. This is not to say that such a thing is true for anybody else, as we are all unique in our own ways. But I had very little self-love or self-esteem. I had lived most of my life on other people's terms. I was not living as my true authentic self.
I understood that I (and all of us) are divine expressions of consciousness, and that I had never realized this before, until now. This had caused me to always suppress my true nature. I learned that if I chose to come back into my body and to love myself, uninhibited, unreservedly, to express my authentic self from that moment onwards, then I would re- cover from cancer. I also understood that many diseases that we suffer from do not start at the physical level. They start from our consciousness - from our fears, stresses and our lack of belief in our own true worth.
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