Dr. Subhash Waghe had done his graduation from Government Ayurvedic College. Nagpur and post graduation in Rognidana from Shree Ayurved College, Nagpur Presently he is Professor in Roga Nidana and Vikrutivigyana department at Jupiter Ayurvedic Medical College, Nagpur He had worked at many Ayurvedic and Moderni hospitals as RMO He had participated in various conferences, workshops, symposiums and seminars and presented research papers in various national and international seminars. He chaired many scientific sessions. He was invited as 'Resource Person' in many seminars and conferences and in RAV sponsored CMES. He received Best paper award at various conferences. He received Best book of the year award from Ranade Foundation, Pune for his book on Ayurvedic Clinical Methods in the year 2018 & for book on Ayurvedic Differential Diagnosis in the year 2019. He is also the author of famous books on Ayurvedic Cardiology. He had also revived the seven lost ayurvedic Samhitas to greater extent and was honoured with "Charter of Honour" for this work by Ayurveda Update Group, Latur. He also received "Best Literary Research Award" for reviving the 8 lost Ayurvedic Samhitas by ARCA Academy. He also received the prestigious 'Vaidya Yadavji Trikamaji Grantha Puraskar' from Vaidya Khadiwale Pratishthan, Pune in the year 2021 He received 'Nidan shree Award' Ayurved Mahasammellan Vidarbha Prant. He received 'Best Global Teacher Award' from Lion's Club of Nagpur Ayurveda. He received 'Dhanwantari Award' from GAC Alumni Association, Nagpur He also receive 'Best Researcher Award' from ARCA for writing 12 successive research articles from April 2020 to March 2021 in peer reviewed IJIM His teaching skill and methodology is lauded both by students as well as teachers.
It is a great pleasure to fulfil the long-awaited demand of the learned Ayurvedic and Jyotish community in the form of this book. There was a need of such book which would enable the Ayurvedists to rationally apply the astrological principles in practice. When I started working on this project and as I progressed, I was mesmerized to observe the great amount of astrological literature in Ayurveda. The scattered astrological literature in Ayurveda was arranged in the classical three divisions of Indian Jyotish Shastra. I kept on publishing the gathered astrological information in the form of review articles in various peer reviewed journals over the period of three years in which I had analysed the various astrological concepts mentioned in Ayurveda on scientific basis. The publication of all these articles made my job little easy and my relentless efforts beard fruits in the form of this book.
Ayurveda and Jyotish science are not only contemporary of each other but complimentary to each other. Ayurveda had incorporated lot of Jyotishiya concepts like Muhurta, Panchanga in connection with auspicious timings of drug collection, drug storage, drug administration, surgery, during various samskaras and procedures to ensure the positive outcome. Likewise, many other Jyotishiya concepts like Shakuna (good or bad omens). Swapna (good or bad dream fruits), Shantividhan (remedial measures), Samudrik Shastra (fortune indicating body features), vastu shastra are also described in Ayurveda. The planetary and zodiacal theorems of Jyotishiya science are also found in basic Ayurvedic principles. The inter relationship between planets and Tridosha Siddhanta, Panchabhautik Siddanta, Shad-rasa Siddhanta, Sapta-dhatu Siddhanta, Deha Prakriti Siddhanta is explored rationally. The impact of planets on treatment outcome, prognosis, epidemic diseases, irregular fevers had provided the new insight and need to redirect the strategy to deal with the things. Much to the delight, reference to horoscope and houses was found with regard to prognosis of disease. Similarly, the reference to malefic planets (Krur grahas), auspicious and inauspicious aspects of planets was also found about prognosis of disease. Reference to 12 zodiacs was found in rituchakra and ayana. Acharya Bhavprakasha, Sharangdhara and Hemadri gave detail account of it. Reference to soft and pungent Nakshatras is mentioned by acharya Chakrapani. The impact of constellations in deciding the course of illness was also traced out. Natural calamity related events like eclipse, meteoroid, thunder etc were also traced out and discussed regarding their impact on diseases. Astrological thermos of diseases is also described to provide the future researches in this direction. All the above said aspects are studied critically and in logical way in the present book with keen observations in tabular form and appropriate conclusions are given at the end.
Jyotish Science is divided into 3 parts (Tri Skandha Jyotish), viz., 1. Ganit Khanda, 2. Hora Khanda and 3. Samhita Khanda and accordingly this book is also divided in three parts. The astrological material found in Ayurveda, had been described in respective related portions. The astrological concepts mentioned in Ayurveda are further explained with the help from classical astrological books for better understanding of the subject. The Astro concepts are compared and analysed logically. The practical application of astrological concepts in Ayurveda is also explained. The application of these concepts in basic siddhantas of Ayurveda is logically explained. While going through these astrological descriptions in Ayurveda, it feels that as if the foundation of Ayurvedic principles is laid on the basis of Astrology.
How far I am succeeded in my attempt to explore the Astrology in Ayurveda, is to be decided by the learned readers. But I hope my small attempt in this direction will pave the way for further researches in both Ayurvedic and Astrological science. Hoping for the warm welcome of this book from learned community. If any of the Ayurvedist get benefitted from this book, the moto of coming with this book will be fulfilled to the extent desired.
Almighty designed life has to pass many hurdles and conditions related to health and surroundings. The health awareness and cure of disease in ancient India is fulfilled by Ayurveda, the science of Life. The expectations of life events and its impact to deal we were given another important wisdom is Vedic Astrology. The role of Jyotisham in Ayurveda and impact of Ayurveda on Jyotisham is vice versa.
The Book entitled "Dr. Waghe's Approach & Update to Astrology in Ayurveda" called as "Ayurvede Jyotisham" by "Dr. Subhash D. Waghe" is added pearl to the both sciences in 21" century. Undoubtedly author tried to bring the hidden science in to limelight through his narration and interpretation. Even though the Veerasimhavalokanam and Telugu Basavarajeeyam touch the subject of Astrology and Ayurveda, the trends followed by them is different from the current work. Here the author classified his contribution in Thriskanda, viz. Ganita, Hora, and Samhita.
This book not just refer the previous authors as reference but also incorporate the Sanskrit text for the readers personalized ideology development. In Ganita discussed the traditional Vedic astrology topics of Time, Panchanga, Muhurtha and Grahana (eclipse). While discussing the Kaala, the time the author linked the disease and Dosha with time. The discussion of Ritu to the Ayurveda concepts are well established and tips to the future authors who will work on these subjects are guided well.
In Panchanga, the details of components with relation to disease severity, medication and surgery were dealt. In Ayurveda at different occasions the importance of Panchanga was incorporated is brought forward collaboratively. Muhurtha related to different daily activities of medical practice were well narrated in the book. Grahana effect over the population even though thought as myth, how scientifically understood, and avoided or even prevented was well explained. The thoughts and usage of above factors even though prevalent in the public its usage in medical practices is almost nil. The book offers a cosmic energy utility in day-to-day life following the simple rules.
Hora kandha discuss the planets and constellations character and effects. Ayurveda concepts of Pancha Mahabhoota, Tridosha, Sapta Dhatu, Trimala, etc. were dealt with relation to astrology. It would have been more helpful for the reader if the author separately paragraphs his individual opinions also. Many texts generalized the disease correlation with planets but did not show an individual rule of planets role or combinations in their works.
Book's Contents and Sample Pages
Horoscopes (185)
Medical Astrology (49)
Nadi (39)
Numerology (53)
Original Texts (272)
Palmistry (50)
Planets (233)
Romance (36)
Vastu (118)
Vedic Astrology (87)
हिन्दी (286)
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