It is a matter of great pleasure to note that Prof. D. G. Thatte has written a Book on the subject "Acupuncture Marma and Other Asian Therapeutic Techniques." The methodology of treatment by Acupuncture has today attained the International recongnition. Treating of diseases with this method had been prevalent since ancient times in China. History of Chinese system of medicine shows that treating the diseases with stone implements was mentioned in the ancient books happening around 6th Cent. B. G. The instrument which was used to pierce in soft tissues was called Bain ( Sharp ) stone, which was used for curing the disease. There-after the Acupuncture technology gradually developed and it acquired specific method of treatment in China.
We are well acquainted that in Susurata Samhita, the science of Marma has been dealt in detail with its applied utility. It appears that science of Marma and the technocology of acupuncture have developed contemporarily in Asia. In South India there is a technique of `Adamkal' which is a method of diagnosis and treatment based on applied Anatomy of important points in the Body.
The Author has made earnest efforts to explore the science of Marma in relation to Acupuncture and other Asian therapeutic techniques. The work reflects that there is a vast practical knowledge available in Asian countries reg arding the applied techniques based on important Anatomical points in the body and the Science of Marma is one of the salient contribution of Ayurveda in this field. However, till to-day we could not develop the Marma therapy in a manner which can be beneficial as one of the applied method of treatment for different diseases. It is the responsibility on the shoulders of the specialists of Ayurveda to break the bottle-neck which is in the way and to develop the applied therapy of treatment by the knowledge of Marmas in the same way as the Acupuncture has attained the international fame.
I feel that the book written by Prof. Thatte shall fill the gaps which are coming in the way. It shall be in a base for developing the applied science of Marmas for elimunating the pains of the man-kind.
**Contents and Sample Pages**
Acupuncture & Acupressure (203)
Gem Therapy (23)
Homeopathy (505)
Massage (22)
Naturopathy (431)
Original Texts (223)
Reiki (60)
Therapy & Treatment (165)
Tibetan Healing (134)
Yoga (41)
हिन्दी (1129)
Ayurveda (3039)
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