(Viewed 12840 times since Mar 2022)

Table of Content

  •  The Elements of Vishnu

  • The Postures of Vishnu

  • Placements of Vishnu Statue at Home

  • Want to Know More?

The Hindu God, Lord Vishnu, is the Supreme God of Vaishnavism and one of the three incomparable divinities (Trimurti) of the Hindu pantheon. He is otherwise called Narayana and Hari. As one of the five essential forms of God in the Smarta custom, he is considered as "the Preserver or the Protector" inside the Trimurti, the Hindu Trinity of Gods.

In this blog, we will discuss in detail the placement of Lord Vishnu statues so that happiness and riches are all that comes into your life.

The Elements of Lord Vishnu

Vishnu is generally to be portrayed holding four attributes:

Shankha named Panchajanya

A conch shell or Shankha, named Panchajanya, is in the upper left hand. It addresses Vishnu's ability to build and keep up with the universe. Panchajanya addresses the five components of Panchabhoota - water, fire, air, earth, and sky or space.

It additionally addresses the five airs or Pranas that are inside the body and psyche. The conch represents that Vishnu is the antiquated Divine sound of creation and progression. It is additionally addressed as Om.

7" Shankha With Engraved Hindu Gods

Chakra named "Sudarshana" - Weapon of Lord Vishnu

The chakra, a sharp-turning plate-like weapon, named "Sudarshana," is held in the upper right hand. It represents the spiritualized mind. The name Sudarshana is gotten from two words - Su, which implies great, unrivaled, and Darshan, and that implies vision or Sight; together, it is "Predominant Vision."

Eight-Armed Lord Sudarshana

Gada (Mace) - Power of all Strength

A mace or Gada, named "Kaumodaki," is held in the lower right hand. It represents that Vishnu's heavenly power is the wellspring of all profound, mental, and actual strength.

It additionally implies Vishnu's ability to obliterate materialistic or evil inclinations (anarthas) that keep individuals from arriving at God. Vishnu's mace is the force of the Divine inside us to profoundly purge and elevate us from our materialistic bonds.

21" Brass Gada (Mace)

Padma - Lotus Blossom Unfurling of Spiritual Virtue

A lotus blossom or the Padma is held in the lower left hand. It addresses otherworldly freedom, Divine flawlessness, virtue, and the unfurling of Spiritual cognizance inside the person.

The lotus opening its petals in the radiance of the Sun shows development and arousing of our long lethargic, unique profound cognizance in the illumination of God.

The lotus represents that God is the power and source from which the universe and the singular soul arises. It additionally addresses Divine Truth or Satya.

Lotus Flower Candle Holder on Betel Leaf

The Postures of Vishnu

14'' Exquisite Sheshnag Protecting Hindu God Vishnu | Kadappa Stone

Standing Lord Vishnu Idol

👉 Lord Vishnu is portrayed as a four-armed male: The four arms show his almighty and all-inescapable nature. The actual presence of Vishnu is addressed by the two arms toward the front, while the two arms at the back address his presence in the profound world.

The Gopala Tapani Upanishad depicts the four arms of Vishnu. Four arms address the satisfaction of signs in all circles of life. They represent area more than four headings of room and consequently the outright control over the entire universe.

On account of Vishnu, the three arms are likewise supposed to be the images of three major capacities or inclinations [creative propensity (shristi), the firm propensity (sthithi), and scattering and liberation(laya)] and the fourth being the idea of individual presence (ahamkara) from which all individualized structures emerge.

6" Shesha-Shayi Vishnu In Brass | Handmade | Made In India

Laying God Vishnu Statue

God Vishnu's venerated image is depicted as being in a yogic rest called Sayanam on the curled bed of snake called Adishsha in the Paarkkadal, Ksheera Sagara;.and the symbol is alluded to as Syana Murthy.

His rest is called Yoga Nidra (Sleeping stance in Yoga). The snake addresses vast energy and the stances of God. The order of the Yoga Nidra/leaning back posture of Lord Vishnu depends on the demeanor, the position of legs, hands, and so on.

👉 They are: Ardha sayanam, Yogasayanam, Virasayanam and Bhogasayanam, and so forth.

Indian subcontinent

Vishnu is the second god in the trifecta of divinities in Hinduism; which comprises three divine beings who are answerable for the creation, upkeep, and annihilation of the world. The other two divine beings are Brahma and Shiva.

Brahma is the maker of the universe and Shiva is the destroyer. Vishnu is the preserver and defender of the universe. His job is to get back to the earth in grieved times and reestablish the equilibrium of good and malevolence.

Up until this point, he has been embodied multiple times, however, Hindus accept that he will be resurrected one final time close to the doomsday.


Garuda is an important element of state symbol in India, Indonesia, and Thailand. The official coat of arms of Indonesia is built around the Garuda. The public token of Indonesia is called Garuda Pancasila.

Sri Lanka

Upulvan is a gatekeeper god of Sri Lanka. Sri Lankan Buddhists accept him additionally as a defender of Buddhism in the country. The name Upulvan portrays his complexion which signifies "blue water lily hued". The clique of Upulvan began during the middle age time frame in Sri Lanka.

According to the neighborhood legend, Upulvan is the god whom the Buddha endowed with the guardianship of Sri Lanka and Buddha Śāsana of the country.

Toward the finish of the fifteenth century, the god Upulvan was related to the god Vishnu of Hinduism, which could be credited to the likeness of the two gods and to the Hindu and Brahmin impact that won during the hours of the Kotte Kingdom. From that point pictures of Upulvan as Vishnu was set other than the pictures of Buddha in Buddhist sanctuaries all through the country.

Placements of Vishnu Statue at Home

One ought to give a whole space to develop a Vishnu mandir; on the off chance that this isn't accessible, you can pick a calm corner of a room someplace in the house.

As per the Vastu Shastra, the home altar area should always be the northeastern most room in the home and the shrine should be placed in the northeastern most corner of that room picked as this guides the progression of appropriate energy or chakra. The statue of Lord Vishnu should then be cleaned and kept on a table or special stepped area.

Want to Know More?

Looking for a beautiful statue of Lord Vishnu to adorn your home? Do you want to know more about Lord Vishnu and his life? Come over to Exotic India and browse through some of our best products.

Key Takeaways
1. Vishnu is considered one of the most important deities in Hinduism, and his statues can bring positive energy and blessings to a home.
2. Different types of Vishnu statues exist, each with their unique symbolism and meaning, such as the standing, sitting, and reclining poses.
3. The placement of the Vishnu statue in the home is important, with some suggesting that it should face east or north, be kept on a clean and elevated platform, and be worshipped regularly.
4. Worshipping the Vishnu statue can bring various benefits, such as spiritual growth, improved relationships, and success in endeavors.
5. It is important to ensure that the statue is made with quality materials and craftsmanship to ensure that it brings positive energy to the home.

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