Yoga Darshana : Philosophy of Yoga in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras
“Yoga is a lifestyle”. This sentence has become the simplest definition and expression of what Yoga is. From the villages of India to the sprawling modern spaces of Europe and America, Yog or Yoga is one of the most popular practices that transcend the boundaries of culture and geography. Yet, beyond the aforementioned line, not much is actually known about Yoga, its practice, and its philosophy in the popular sphere. Then how can we know what exactly is Yoga? Thankfully, the solution to this conundrum was formulated centuries ago. In ancient India, a Maharishi (great sage) by the name of Patanjali compiled the philosophy of Yoga in “sutras”, literally “threads”, or short formulations in Sanskrit, which contain the oceanic knowledge of Yoga.
Published in Jun 2024