The 10 Worlds According to Buddhism
The “Ten Worlds” Jikkai in Buddhism is a concept from the Lotus Sutra and later Buddhist teachings, which are particularly emphasized in Nichiren Buddhism. It describes ten states or realms of existence that encompass life. These are not physical realms but conditions of being that we move through, sometimes even within a single moment. The Ten Worlds are central to Buddhist philosophy, offering a profound understanding of the mind and how it shapes our reality. These realms are interconnected and can manifest in any moment based on one’s thoughts, actions, and surroundings. Let’s explore each world, beginning from the lowest states of suffering to the highest state of enlightenment.
Published in Dec 2024
Lotus Sutra : The King of Sutras
"The Lotus Sutra is the king of sutras, true and correct in both word and principle. Its words are the ultimate reality, and this reality is the Mystic Law (myoho). It is called the Mystic Law because it reveals the principle of the mutually inclusive relationship between a single moment of life and all phenomena. That is why this sutra is the wisdom of all Buddhas." On Attaining Buddhahood in This Lifetime (WND 1, p3) - Nichiren Daishonin The Lotus Sutra (Saddharma Pundarika Sutra) is one of the most celebrated and influential texts in Mahayana Buddhism worldwide. Also widely known as the “King of Sutras,” it is considered a definitive guide to understanding enlightenment. With its rich metaphors, universal messages, and profound teachings, the Lotus Sutra has inspired countless practitioners and scholars across centuries.
Published in Nov 2024
Buddhist Artifacts - A Symbol of Visual Mythology Across Cultures
Ancient Buddhist art was started in present-day India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. The time was a few centuries after Lord Buddha lived in this land, 6th to 5th century BCE. Buddhist art is a sacred illustration created in the context of Buddhism. The famous arts include portrayals of Gautama Buddha and other bodhisattvas. Prominent Buddhist sculptures, both historical and mythical, narrate backgrounds from their lives. Besides, Mandala art and other physical objects related to the practice of Buddhism are equally popular. Some of these sacred objects are vajras, bells, stupas, and Buddhist temple architecture.
Published in May 2024
Buddha Purnima 2025 : The Day of Birth, Nirvana and Enlightenment of Lord Buddha
Buddha Purnima in 2025 is expected to be celebrated on Friday, 5th May. Buddha Purnima, also known as Vesak or Buddha Jayanti, is a major Buddhist festival that marks the birth, enlightenment, and death of Gautama Buddha. It is celebrated on the full moon day of the lunar month of Vesakha, which falls in April or May according to the Gregorian calendar. The day of birth of Lord Buddha is celebrated as Buddha Purnima or Vesak, which is one of the most important festivals in the Buddhist calendar. According to tradition, Buddha was born on the full moon day in the month of Vesakha (April or May), around 2,500 years ago in Lumbini, Nepal. The exact date of his birth is a matter of debate among scholars, but the celebration of Vesak is typically held on the full moon day of the month of Vesakha, which falls between late April and early May.
Published in Apr 2024
Classification of Nyingma Lineage Through Refugee Tree
The word Nyingma means ‘Ancient’, It holds the oldest and perhaps the most mystical tradition among all the Tibetan Buddhist Traditions. Nyingma Lineage is one of the four Tantric Buddhist lineages and Nyingma lineage was started by Padmasambhava in the 8th century when he introduced Buddhism in Tibet. The Nyingma Lineage emphasizes the importance of direct realization and the transmission of teachings from master to disciple, embodying the essence of Tantric Buddhism. Rooted in the most profound teachings of Padmasambhava, also known as Goru Rinpche, the Nyingma tradition has been preserved and transmitted through generations.
Published in Mar 2024
Understanding The Science of Tibetan Healing and Medicine
For the longest time the high altitudes of the Tibetan plateau guarded a well kept secret until it came to be known by the world, the science of Tibetan healing and traditional Tibetan medicines. It is called Sowa Rigpa in Tibetan language which means the science of healing. It is an ancient medical science which is almost 2500 years old and has survived the test of time. Apart from Ayurvedic medicine, it is one of the few medical sciences that aim to harness the power of natural medicine.
Published in Feb 2024
Understanding the Wheel of Life : Through Thangka
Traditionally the wheel of life is called Bhavacakra, it is a symbolic representation of Samsara and is deeply rooted in Buddhist teachings, particularly in Tibetan Buddhism. The Bhavacakra is derived from bhava, which means “being, worldly existence, becoming, birth, being, production, origin,” means “wheel” or “circle.” These delicate artworks contain profound philosophical concepts within their detailed visuals, offering practitioners a visual roadmap for spiritual growth and self-awareness. Wheel of life thangkas are commonly found outside the Indo-Tibetan region's Tibetan Buddhist temples and monasteries. Wheel of Life thangka serves as a visual aid for understanding the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth along with the causes of suffering, and the path to enlightenment.
Published in Feb 2024
The Story of the Buddha in Sculptures
From the earliest artistic depictions of Bharhut, Sanchi, Amaravati, Nagajunkonda, and the marvelous statues of Gandhara and Mathura, Buddhist art has translated the wisdom of the Buddha into stone and metal. Condensing his immeasurable virtues and venerable life in art, sculptures of the Buddha offer a chance to the followers of Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha, to witness the aura of the Enlightened One, and be guarded by his light to the supreme brilliance of Bodhi.
Published in Feb 2024
21 Forms of Goddess Tara : A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
Most of the iconographical descriptions in commentaries always seem to be non-cooperative with the “Praises to the Twenty-one Taras.” The reason is simply three main iconographic traditions formed in Tibet, each one of them describes the Goddesses Tara according to their beliefs:
Published in Oct 2023
What Buddha Fundamentally Taught The Humanity
Siddhartha Gautama was the prince of the Sakiya clan, who ruled a prosperous republican community belonging to Kosala kingdom situated at the foot of Himalayan ranges. His father was Suddhodana, a Sakyan Chieftain; and his mother was Maya. Siddhartha was born under a Saal tree in the Lumbibi garden (along the Indo -Nepal border), while his mother was travelling to her parent’s home. He lost his mother while he was still an infant; and, was brought up by his mother’s sister, Pajapati Gotami. He married Yasodhara, his cousin; and the couple had a son named Rahula. Siddhartha was a good-looking person with a strong body. He had his military training in his upbringing; and, was once invited by King Bimbisara to join his army as a General.
Published in Apr 2022
Ajanta: A Journey Into the Religio-Aesthetic Kingdom of Buddhist Art
"Coleridge is not known to have ever seen Ajanta but in his words reverberates the same mystique as one experiences when visiting Ajanta....imagery at times was closer to flesh rather than spirit....Even the figure of the monk Mahajanaka has been modeled much on sensuous lines.Ajanta sculptures reveal a conscious attempt at capturing the grace, sublimity and spirituality....Ajanta sculptures are mostly reliefs. The Mahayana variation of Buddhism promoted polytheism in Buddhism and with it the cult of worshipping Bodhisattvas emerged with an irresistible appeal. Endowed with humanistic qualities and spirit of self sacrifice, Bodhisattvas comprised more popular theme of Ajanta sculptures. As much significant is the presence of the child-eating evil spirited-goddess Hariti with a child in her lap. Most magnificent and glaring aspect of Ajanta is its mural art, which been the fountain-head of the entire painting tradition in India."
Published in Aug 2006
The Narrative Essence of Buddhist Art
"The Buddhist art, which... revolutionized the art scenario of the entire ancient Indian sub-continent, was essentially a narrative art.... In that age with little literacy... oral and visual narration... was the traditional tool of... stimulating a mind to know; and, the Buddhist art seems to have best exploited it... Narration... was thus the prime or perhaps the only mode of communication in the entire ancient world, not India alone...Buddhist art was conceived thus more or less as a visual alternative of its scriptures, and narration was the essence of both...The legend of Buddha's life, in this birth as also in previous births, is the main subject-matter of Buddhist narratives...The events emerging...might belong to more than one story. This Buddhist model of narrative visual the proto-model of India's visual narrative art."
Published in Jul 2006
The Many Forms of Mahakala, Protector of Buddhist Monasteries
"Each of the three forms of Mahakala has some distinctly different qualities and aspects.... The continuous counting of the rosary is a symbol of perpetual activity, which Mahakala achieves on a cosmic scale.... An elephant-headed entity lying crushed under his legs represents our instinctive, primary animal force and urge... The blazing fire surrounding him demonstrates his powerful energy out to consume all neurotic states of minds.... Mahakala's typical blackness symbolizes his all-embracing, comprehensive nature, because it is the hue into which all other colors merge; it absorbs and dissolves them. Just as all colors disappear in black, so do all names and forms melt into that of Mahakala. Black is also the total absence of color, again signifying the nature of Mahakala as ultimate reality.... He is the transcendent-time (maha-kala), absolute, eternal, measureless, and ever present." Discusses the deity Mahakala, an important figure in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Tibetan culture.
Published in Jan 2005
Buddha and Christ - Two Gods on the Path to Humanity
"Christ and Buddha, two manifestations of divinity, showed us that true salvation lies only on the path of humanity and compassion towards all. Indeed, through their humanity they are both related to us, and through their divinity, to god... 'Buddha and Christ are but local inflections of a universal archetype: the Cosmic Person imaging wholeness.'... Just as Buddha gained enlightenment by conquering the five senses, Christ, pinned in five places... nails down the five senses... Since they both embodied universal human aspirations and their ultimate realization... the art they inspired too would develop motifs which would elaborate similar principles, though the metaphors deployed would vary, being dependent upon local contexts."
Published in Nov 2003
Buddha - A Hero's Journey to Nirvana
"The Buddha's journey to spiritual awakening or 'Nirvana,'... perfectly mirrors the ... progressive development of a hero... Not at ease with his immediate environment... a constant unease gnaws at his heart, prompting him to question the very nature of his existence. This inner strife is the first inkling that a greater destiny lies ahead of the potential hero... Buddha was born an ordinary mortal. His path to fulfillment... was a journey full of exciting experiences and mistakes made. He learned from each of his mistakes, making it a springboard for all future, and finally the ultimate success... each of us... is capable and deserving of Nirvana, having a potential Buddha hidden in us..."
Published in Apr 2003
The Bodhisattva Ideal - Buddhism and the Aesthetics of Selflessness
"A bodhisattva wishes to help all beings attain nirvana. He must therefore refuse to enter nirvana himself, as he cannot apparently render any services...after his own nirvana... A bodhisattva can never love the body for its own sake... he cherishes it...because he someone sometime somewhere... in the moment of tribulation."
Published in Jun 2002
Ritual Implements in Tibetan Buddhism: A Symbolic Appraisal
"Rites and rituals are an essential part of Tibetan religion and reflect its practical side. Not restricted to temples alone, they are performed in a variety of places and circumstances, for a myriad of purposes. Daily ceremonies are conducted in temples, although they are perhaps not so elaborate as those that take place in Hindu temples in India and Nepal."
Published in Jun 2001
Sacred Buddhist Painting - The Tibetan Thangka
A Thangka is a painted or embroidered banner which was hung in a monastery or a family altar and carried by lamas in ceremonial processions. In Tibetan the word 'than' means flat and the suffix 'ka' stands for painting. The Thangka is thus a kind of painting done on flat surface but which can be rolled up when not required for display.
Published in Mar 2000